This might be the most British game I've ever played. Played this one with the wife and both enjoyed our time with it. Story and writing are witty and the puzzles are well done.

Ok, so this is one that I really liked up until I had absolutely nowhere to go, and felt like I was just wasting my time playing it. I think this was the game that made me realize that I like the idea of expansive metroidvanias more than I like actually playing them. It all comes down to the sense of progression, and for me, when that progression halts (or worse, is lacking entirely), I end up dropping the game. The map system in this game sucks ass. I have this marked as abandoned, but you never know, I may pick this one up again some day.

Another well-made PnC adventure with a fun story and a nice art style. Some of the puzzles involved moon logic and my wife and I got stuck on multiple occasions, but had fun nonetheless.

Probably the best AC game, although I don't really remember much of it because all of the Ezio games kinda blur in my mind.

A really good entry into the series, and I thought the reaction to the ending was super overblown. I've always treated the entirety of this game as the ending, and in that way, I never found the ABC ending to be disappointing. The combat is the best in this one.

Dave Gilbert's best PnC to date. The story is interesting, the puzzles are satisfying, the party mechanics are well-done, and all of the characters feel like they belong.

Fantastic co-op platformer+ game brimming with creativity and ideas, none of which overstay their welcome. The plot is decent, nothing special, but the gameplay is so well done that I don't care. A rare co-op game that actually requires cooperative gameplay between players in order to progress through the game.

dos2-crew unanimously grew tired of the game. With no real story progression and fairly simple 3rd-person shooter gameplay, interest waned after about 4 weeks of 2-hour+ long sessions.

Played through 9 of the floors before getting bored. This game has so much charm and great production values. But the gameplay didn't evolve enough for me, and after 9 floors of the same thing, I got bored. This will be a great game to play with future kids.

Supergiant's first game and you can already tell that the studio is going to become something special (spoiler alert: they did). A good action RPG game with an amazing soundtrack and a unique artstyle.

Don't remember much of anything from this one, but it's remarkable they were able to put a bonafide God of War game on the PSP and not lose much of the scale.


Another indie darling that I find to be overhyped. However the game has AESTHETIC.


Game is fine, but it's plagued with technical problems. Tries to capture the magic of PS2-era 3D platformers, but never does anything interesting enough to break out of the shadows of the greats.

Another fun entry into the Sly Cooper games with some interesting gameplay styles introduced with all of the different raccoons you get to play as. Looks good and the gameplay is tight.

I love this game, and eventually I'll get my ass to finish the campaign (about halfway through now). This game got me to do what RCT never could, and that's give a damn about what the theme park actually looks like outside of just building dope ass rollercoasters. I think it's probably for that reason that after deep diving for a few weeks, I always have to give myself a several month break, because making a park both functional and aesthetically pleasing is a lot more work than just min-maxing the scenarios.