i ended bioshock infinite thinking it was great, played these and it pushed it over to one of my favorite games of all time

i love the overly complicated story even if i dont fully understand everything, and while ironically the gameplay was not the best throughout part 1 (and especially not part 2 since i am not a huge stealth woman at all), everything else carried me through it and i dont even feel bad about that at all

i can understand why its hit or miss but good heavens this fucking HIT dude instant masterpiece i am literally a decade late but im gonna die that there isnt much more after burial at sea

i wanted to like this one so much and i did but it just isnt nearly as good as bioshock 1
its like someone saw the worst part of bioshock 1 (proving grounds) and said "lets make that the entire game" and someone said "please no" and they made a compromise to just make adam collecting the worst thing ever
thank GOD adam isnt actually as important as you get more than enough even with skipping like 60% of the little sisters
its still good but god is it unfortunate playing right after bioshock 1 (even if the endings are significantly better in this one)

this game is a fucking masterpiece. almost every line in here has added something i relate a scary amount to to the point the entire experience is just..viscerally uncomfortable, yet in such a way i need to see more. some of the chat logs feel scarily similar to things i know i have or probably will say and it's unbelievable

the ending was pretty weak imo (even if i got the good ending) but everything about this game went so hard

felt strangely less personal than the first to me, but it still cut pretty deep

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this game stung for being too real
her mentioning how she won't name her diagnosis because she wants you to know her for her genuinely made me step back for a second crying
the seemingly joke about being scared of the letter o and then finding out its definitely her thinking about jumping off her floor in her apartment complex was extremely disturbing as well

half a point off for the strider battle
the rest is great, and i am devestated at kleiner's "i wouldn't dream of letting you go without a proper goodbye" knowing that this is one of the biggest unresolved cliffhangers in gaming

decided to go for the one free bullet achievement on my first playthrough like a sociopath but it wasnt half bad

a neat expansion, plus you can't really go wrong with more half life

go from being a defenseless man to absolutely just mowing down hoards of semi-human soldiers responsible for plunging your world into an dystopia like the godly probably-human you are

not quite as good as opposing force, but its still a decent experience (and with 100% less janky ropes)
great extension to half life, and much like opposing force it shows other perspectives of certain scenes (albeit in this one mostly before the resonance cascade)

interesting concept, being on the secondary enemy side in the original. also very interesting new aliens in the form of race x (except FUCK shock troopers)
night vision was kinda whatever, but the other new weapons were pretty cool
rope physics are terrible but thank god you barely need to use them

xen and onwards certainly exist but the rest is super solid, absolutely understand why it's one of the most influential games of all time (even if we exclude the date it was published)