130 Reviews liked by axsoulo

i fully love this game it did everything i wanted and more, i do feel like the gatekeep overworld movement and i kinda wish valere and zale got a bit more character but still my GOTY!!!

Male detected, opinion tolerated.

Don't think there will ever be a day where I'll understand why this game came out the same day as elden ring

Saved my life, watered my plants, fixed my relationship with my father and it averted my life from possible chaos. My favorite story in the FF series. #ThankYouYoshiP

A shame. The sleekness of DOOM (2016) is nowhere to be found—it’s been replaced with ugly garishness in nearly every facet of Eternal’s design.

The chonky combat remains, with gun-feel and glory kill animations improved considerably—and the music is still great!—but that’s where the positives end. The game is pumped absolutely chock-full with annoying, difficult-to-internalize mechanics, overwrought platforming puzzles (the effortless platforming in 2016 is so much better!), and a stupid, hamfisted story and atmosphere.

The appeal of DOOM (2016) had a lot to do with the interplay of self-serious elements and campy ones. It was like watching a B-movie that believed, wholeheartedly, in its own awesomeness. Eternal just plops face-first into campy mud, goofifying everything and winking at the player incessantly, sapping the game of any actual coolness. Those moments of quiet viscerality from the first game are half-assed or just completely non-existent.

Id has cranked the difficulty up, both in terms of enemy aggressiveness and, just, the sheer amount of bullshit you have to learn and remember. Oh I can grapple and blood punch and flame belch and chainsaw and double dash and ice grenade OR regular grenade, in addition to shooting my weapons with hot-swappable mods? Cool! Is it any fun to juggle it all, really? No, it isn’t!

I came back to Eternal thinking I’d been too hard on it, and found just the opposite— I like it even less now. It infuriatingly squanders the potential of its fantastic predecessor, going decidedly for content quantity over quality, and losing almost everything that made the latter feel special. While it’s not terrible in its own right, I consider it one of my personal biggest disappointments of the modern gaming era.

I don't understand. I love Doom 2016. This just hasn't gripped me and I find all the pop ups very immersion breaking. Plus the lore feels unnecessary? How do I explain this: less is more.

this game taught me to enjoy the little things in life

life changing, man

There are heaps of interesting tactical decisions to make in designing your units to decimate the swordfodder obstacles in the way of you becoming The Nicest King Ever, but at least a quarter of the “skill” i built to play this game was “shuffling around pieces in your unit pre-fight to get a better RNG roll on the battle”. The preview screen holds a death grip on the entire combat experience: the information you are given is neither ‘perfect’ enough to do your own work, nor vague enough to allow improvisation and confidence to be your weapons, and so you ultimately have a black box simulator to press Go on when the numbers are good. I didn’t hate playing it, but from a theory perspective, this thing is not working to its potential.

And while I still have some qualms with 13 Sentinels’ plot despite enjoying it overall – considering its intricacy, I didn’t expect most every beat of Unicorn Overlord to be as complex as a butter sandwich. It is so, so flatly incurious about its characters’ interiority that it’s actually shocking. Every support conversation I saw was like a grey-boxed version of a scene that could be formulaic, but maybe charming too, if it were fleshed out – but they aren’t! The whole reading experience is at a level of cathexis and fidelity similar to a cheap flavored sparkling water.

The art’s execution is unsurprisingly good, though the character designs’ gender dimorphism is offputtingly consistent. Like, listen, I love Yahna’s b-cups, I’m not a joyless dyke, but if the women get to be this flamboyant and cheesecakey then why the hell do the men have no asses and stand like it’s their turn to play the xbox? Like at least give Ithillion some cheeks. It’s right there. Cowards. Anyway the HD2D by way of ‘overworld sprites illustrated like they could be pixelized but are left at full resolution’ is surprisingly good looking as well. also the mining minigame is weirdly satisfying. Overall I just feel worn down by the constant, tectonic level of friction between what the game could be, and what they actually did with it. (played on highest default difficulty, approx 130 hour final time)

beat this game with a friend a couple weeks ago but man if this isnt some of the most fun ive had playing a game in a MINUTE especially with a friend its always fucking comedy just by the ways you can go about playing this game. player expression at its finest fr. this game fed my kids, watered my plants and payed off my tuition ☝️☝️☝️

I have heard that this game is better than sex and indeed, it actually is.

this game would kill a victorian child instantly

This is like if cum had gameplay

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

I'm going to pretend I beat this game because I'm fucking scared of those fishes.

this game made me less afraid of death. there is no higher review i can give it.