This game is not "overrated" in the slightest, for 1998 standards it was an incredibly big and detailed word and it really deserves the fame it has, but it still fun to play today. It's really simple but captivating. Can you imagine if this was in first-person like Miyamoto wanted it to be? I think i would've loved it even more

The one where link becomes a furry.
It's a great game with a million tiny issues: the biggest ones are that wolf link isn't that natural to play compared to normal link and the beginning is such a slog. Despite this problems this is way better than i remembered it being, the combat feels good, the music is great and while i'm not really into the art design i have to say that this still looks really good.

The best Zelda, I love the worldbuilding in this game (i love when npcs have a detailed routine in games) and the art direction. I get often tired of dungeons in zelda games so i find it refreshing that this only has four of them. The time limit adds a new challenge compared to other Zelda games and it helps make this feel unique.

Aesthetically the best Zelda with Majora's Mask. You can feel the sea when you play this and the first part is so fun to play. The main problem however is that it's clear it was rushed: the second half of the game in general is nowhere near as polished as the first. Everyone keeps saying that the triforce search is a slog but even the last two dungeons aren't that much fun to play. Luckily it has a genuinely great final boss and a really good ending so i'd say it was worth it.

Amazing style, tremendously bad gameplay

The cutest game, everytime i play it i legit feel super happy.

It's very fascinating but it also gets boring pretty quickly

The game is incredibly fun and Ulala is incredibly cute

The controls are terrible and incredibly tedious, the cutscenes are funny and the ending is so over-the-top it's hilarious but overall i don't want to play this ever again

Love how you feel helpless the entire game, every time things might get better they just get even worse. I can't imagine how immersive this must have felt at the time. The storytelling is also great, you never feel like they dump exposition on you, the game is always moving forward. Also the Xen levels are great, you guys just suck

Doesn't have the perfect momentum of the first, most of the dialogues halt the gameplay to a T, but it's still fun. It gets rid of the platform stages of the first and adds physics puzzles. In this one i feel like valve was afraid of the player getting bored, all of the chapters add an unique novelty. Not a fan of how gray everything looks and i feel like the physic puzzle have not aged the best but it's still original and fun to this day.



Is there a game with better atmosphere than this?