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Nice to see video games teaching good morals:
- fucking your sister is the best outcome of them all
- having your daughter die will make you gay
- DID isn't real

This is the most racist game ever made and i feel like i've become a worse person just by playing it, but playing it on pacific (or at least trying to, i've only killed two people) makes this game really one of a kind.

It's really one-note and the writing is not good enough to sustain its concept but you know, i had fun with this. The (good) ending is also pretty sweet.
Also would say "omg she's just like me" or something like that, but I'm pretty sure she's cis. If that's the case then my culture is not your costume

so much worse than the first one it's not even funny

Some of the cutscene writing is laughably bad but overall this is such a thight game with fantastic setpieces, and i love the cold wintery setting

The Last of Us but good. Never has a game been more depressing and more hilarious at the same time. The final part of this game is perfect.

Games like this make me feel really stupid

Amazing that there's still a game that looks and plays like this in a time where indie games are getting more and more generic.
I'm never gonna finish this, the later stages are cruel

baby's first postmodernism game. The drama doesn't work because it's so halfhassed, the horror doesn't work because it's really cheap and generic, the dating sims elements don't work because none of the characters are fleshed out enough and the parody elements don't work because it's not funny. at least the art is cute

this has way worse controls than super mario 64, how is that possible?

All the levels in this are incredibly frustrating but it also has the super shotgun so who can say it's bad?

It's a shame for the incredibly tedious task in the middle of walking and finding places where you can put portals so you keep on walking because otherwise this is an improvement of the first in every way. I think valve has problems with pacing in their second games.

Incredibly fun. Everything is better with monkeys

Old review:
This has not really aged well. The world feels oddly empty and the camera is so bad it ruins a lot of the game. It's a shame because with more polish this could be really fun


I've never finished the game, the combat is tremendously boring and the puzzles are pretty bad, but what i've seen of the story it seems really good. I should probably return to this but i don't know if it's just better to watch a gameplay