179 Reviews liked by battlehuntz

Plays better than the first! Gives you information! Uhhhh still an NES game that punishes you way too hard

The circlejerk around this being correct is proof that a broken clock (the average Nintendo fan) is right twice a day



Omori is a genuine contender for the best game I've played in my life. This is the only time, ever since I played Mother 3 back in 2013, that I have even considered that possibility outside of that legendary trilogy. Everything about it works.

The combat is solid and inventive. The world is so wonderfully detailed and the dialog is hilarious, charming, heartfelt, and emotional. The story can make me tear up at the drop of a hat. The characters are so lovable and realistic. It's just so good I can't even put it into words. Would give more than five stars if I could.



Man, I just can't get enough of this soundtrack

i love videogames

in fact I live my daily life ⅓ of my time thinking about videogames ⅓ thinking about furry stuff/drawing things/university exams and ⅓ thinking about dick and sex and boys

even though people may not think so videogames are a form of art lately experiences like outer wilds shadow of the colossus fata morgana nier replicant arches really helped me through a lot of stuff happening in my life and even changed my worldview in some cases

this ? this is disgusting absolutely fucking garbage a cashgrab like no other I wish to say that its so bad to make me laugh but this is genuinely the worst of the worst incredibly uninspired just trying to monopolise on youtube playthrough hollow minded content creators grabbing any rubbish with some gripping background to get clicks from people mentally aged at a whopping 8 years old level of intelligence

ok im joking this was too aggressive im not that mad at this but genuinely what the fuck this game has original portal level of environments and it made my gaming personal computer fucking explode can you even believe that

trying to hop on the "mascots for babies are actually scary" train these famously untalented people in the industry just tried a quick clickbait kind of game and somehow succeeded accordingly

if you want you can complete the game in 20 minutes all you're gonna do is go around doing some elementary school level environmental puzzles with a drone and getting eggs around the playground and omg… there's a chasing sequence from a pink bird… so spooky omg omg im so scared I pooped my pants no clickbait this game made me shit my pants 100% real (legendado) andate a cagare coglioni dai I can't say this in english

anyway the art design is purposely uninspired there's assets that you can get fom free on the Internet and the couple of stuff they actually put is abysmal thank you for your effort but you failed

five nights at freddys is a great example of this trope used accordingly . it created a genre it was really original for its time and played a really haunting experience even though kind of janky and king of cheap

this one ? allegedly it's an horror game and I genuinely believe it's a better source of laughter than dread and if you genuinely get scared from this shit don't ever touch silent hill or resident evil and I don't even get scared by those game cmon

in the finale you get a boohoo cliffhanger with a jumpscare omg I shat my pants im so ready for the sequel fuck yourself this is the first and last game in this series im ever gonna play even if garten of banban 9 gets a 4.5 score on this hell site I will never touch it thank you for making this game because my bar got so fucking low that I will now regard saya no uta as a masterpiece bye support me on my furry art twitter

At one point people hated this game because "the sprites were big." Society is crazy.

I work the night shift so going to sleep on time is essential to me not wanting to slit my throat so I’m kinda a fan of this game

told me what i already knew (only like 4 hours of my sleep a night in total are restful) and then made my phone run slow and at a really high temperature for a few hours after. thank you pikachu


If you can ignore the comically shallow plot featuring every single trope in the book, there's probably the best gameplay in the series here. After playing through it again and purely focusing on the battles, I had to up my rating to 9/10. I was so skeptical when it was first revealed and I still can't believe how much fun I've had with it.

The engage mechanics bring so many new strategies to the gameplay and there's a huge variety of unique and tightly designed maps with actually FUN gimmicks... The more aggressive bosses provide a serious challenge this time, and difficulties are well implemented. It features the rewind feature from Three Houses but is not entirely designed around it - it was very possible for me to play without ever using it which I find way more satisfying.

This felt so refreshing after 3H which, despite being a game I love, is ugly as sin... Engage's combat animations are the best we've seen yet and the presentation in general is on an entirely different league. It's much more like a 3DS era title being very streamlined but with less social sim elements, which is just what I wanted. Although the music isn't quite as mind blowing it still really moved me. It might be hard to go back to 3H now.

I enjoyed all the callbacks to older games, ones I'm familiar with and ones I'm not - returning characters, areas and remixes of the best themes. It's literally the Sonic Generations of the FE series but I wouldn't exactly recommend it as your first game.

Easily the most well crafted Sonic game. SEGA hit a perfect balance between the speed of Sonic 2 and the exploration of Sonic CD with much better layouts than both. It was massive for its time and it still amazes me how much was packed into it.

3 playable characters experience the same zones in totally different ways with pathways only they can access, while also serving as different difficulties (Knuckles = Hard Mode). Everything is connected - each level is huge and branching with their own boss fights, transitioning smoothly into the next. Special stages are entered by finding hidden giant rings and are actually fun and worthwhile now, granting access to two super forms and an extra final fight as Sonic.

I particularly love how Sonic 3 tells two stories without any words, using only the character animations and changes in your surroundings. I also think the visual aesthetic and sound peaked here - wonderful parallax backgrounds and the more detailed threatening robot designs are so badass.

In all aspects the other classics just aren't in the same league. This is a masterpiece of 2D platforming and I credit it for really igniting my interest in video games as a child. It's depressing to think that since they perfected this formula 30 years ago, only one game used it again (Mania).

We were bored as a collective to hype this up.

Would be 4 stars but I can't get Pikachu stoned so what's the point

Mid. There is no other word for it. This is mid. It's embarassing.
Xenoblade 1 fans will claim that their cynical product is a "masterpiece" because of its character deaths yet these same fans will have the audacity to mock Justian Roiland's seminal work of art, High on Life for brilliant and original deconstruction of the video game genre by allowing players to kill a child, something that no video game has ever done before. To any Xenoblade 1 fan reading this, go back to watching MCU movies and eating McDonalds before ever daring to insult true works of art like High on Life ever again.