Second play through on BG3, first on Xbox and my first Durge run.

Honestly, truly one of the best games I’ve played in my life. Looking forward to a third full play through somewhere down the line.

Some cool levels, but Sonic games just always feel so cheap in production value, and the game play is fairly boring. I’d be upset if I spent more than the $10 I got this for.

Concept is cool, but wish it delved more into the Saw-esque elements. Shame there weren’t more traps, we really need a new Saw game. Game is also fairly short and the ending I got was incredibly anticlimactic. Decent enough for a one time play through, but I’m not sure if there’s enough here to warrant a second play through even if you’d get a slightly different story.

Not nearly as good as 1/2, honestly - but maybe that’s just because I went straight into 3 from 2 and was expecting something equally provocative and entertaining. Still absolutely nuts that this game is nearly 20 years old, but neither the story, the characters or gameplay hooked me like 1/2 did. :(

It has been a few days since I’ve finished MGS2 on the Master Collection and I just can’t stop thinking about how haunting the final hour or two was - and how prescient it was for 2001. This game is perfection, full stop. You know it’s a beautiful and thoughtful piece of work when you’re thinking about it days and days later - and honestly, I probably won’t forget about this one - ever.

Classic, iconic, insert another adjective here. Really though, it was a groundbreaking game for the time and it’s still dope to this day. It is extremely difficult, though - or maybe I’m just actually bad.

I’m asking for competent devs for Christmas. Game was fun until the most recent few patches. Takes ages to find a game despite removing the Bubba requirement. Just a shame F13 went out with the lawsuit.

It’s cute, and it’s challenging at times, but ultimately the gameplay is incredibly repetitive. Story is fantastic though, especially if you’re fond of the P5 team.

Not a fan of Roiland typically, but actually enjoyed the humor here. Gameplay is simple, but fun enough. Didn’t over stay its welcome either.

It was fun, but wish it was a bit more involved. Glad it was on game pass.

Easily the strongest remake behind 4, but in terms of bringing the franchise back after 6 - it scored higher marks than RE7 did. Masterfully remade and a damn fun game to boot.

As a big big horror fan and being hugely into meta narratives, I ate this one UP. Compelling story, beautiful graphics, and classic survival horror elements. While it may not be as intuitive or have deep gameplay mechanics like some games this year, this very well may be my GOTY. Loved it.

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Ehhhhhh. The first two thirds are solid, but from Lucas’ section and onward it becomes a slog, especially once you get to the boat.

Not gonna mark this as complete bc I’ll always be playing this. Super addicting and deceivingly simple.

Played through this several times now on my PC, Switch, Xbox, and PS (and yes, I bought it four different times). Challenging, but ultimately rewarding asf, and a really great story to boot (as a trans/gnc person).