You "played the game"? You monster!

Games in which a character chews you out for actions you're required to do in order to progress. Suggestions welcome.

Life is Strange
Life is Strange
Natural disasters and/or all the events of the story are your fault for having used time travel, AKA the main game mechanic.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
MC witnesses a character behaving suspiciously, and has the option to share this with the detective. If you select "yes", he still won't, and she'll later reprimand you for not having told her.
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
(Suggested by @cowboyjosh, see comments)

Having to sell Haruka to a shady agency, a situation so sketchy that even the nine-year-old sees through it.
Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2
(Suggested by @SofteningShrek)
Getting your instructor addicted to gambling by meddling in her brain, which is required for story progression.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

At one point you're required to Ally with a character, then go back and Betray her for no particular reason. The character gets pissed at you for whimsically testing out different outcomes just to see what would happen, even though it's the only way to progress.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
(Suggested by @moschidae)

Of course it would be a terrible idea to use questionable evidence of dubious provenance in court, which is why the game forces you to do it and then has you disbarred.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
(Suggested by @SofteningShrek)
At one point you have to take out some anti-aircraft guns so that you can land your ship, but the only way to make this happen is to first try to call it right to the anti-aircraft area and be admonished by your computer.
Lissie goes on a tirade about how reprehensible it is that you dug up a corpse--which was the only interaction point in an area you can't leave.


3 months ago

This is a GREAT list. Gotta plumb the ole noggin to try to think of examples but every time this happens I'm like "But... but..."

3 months ago

Haaaate it when this happens in games. First thing that comes to mind is Apollo Justice, case one youre presented with clearly artificial evidence but forced to use it in court anyways.
Phoenix Wright then proceeds to get his ass chewed out then loses his license.

Also i might be wrong as i never actually played the first psychonauts but i think the gambling thing is in the second game? With a character named Hollis? Unless theres just coincidentally 2 characters that you have to force into addiction to progress

3 months ago

Can confirm @moschidae that was only in the second game

3 months ago

OH I KNOW ONE! In Yakuza Kiwami 2 there's a part where a very clearly very sleazy agent wants to literally buy Haruka (your more-or-less daughter at that point) from you. There are SO MANY red flags including a woman standing outside the agency lamenting what a terrible idea it was for her to sign with them and how horrible her life has gone since. Haruka herself (all of, like, 9 years old or something) immediately sees through the guy and is like "Mister what are you trying to get from me?" Nevertheless as her guardian there is no way through this scene without agreeing to sell Haruka, at which point she justifiably upbraids our protagonist. He's like "oh ok I guess that was a bad idea" and the story finally moves on.

I don't know if this happens in the original Yakuza 2.

3 months ago

maybe lisa the painful?

3 months ago

@moschidae @AlphaOne2 Yep, that was my bad. Thanks for the correction! Apollo Justice is a great example, too.

3 months ago

@cowboyjosh NGL that's kind of hilarious. Added!

@imshitting420 Haven't played that one, can I ask what happens?

2 months ago

@bellwoods an rpg that gives you options to benefit or harm yourself or your party members. ie: a villain is threatening to cut your arm off or take the life of a party member. the game is also generally depressing so alotta weight is put on you.

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