first spiderman game. very fun, i like miles :)

super cool mario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

somewhere out there, a devil may cry

very fun. definitely not as fair or balanced as older souls games but as someone who likes the exploration the most, I got more than what I asked for.

Very enjoyable. Idk that I could say it had the same impact on me as 1 but I loved every second of the playthrough. Ending was a bit weak but I'm not complaining.

overall enjoyable but i HATED all the anime stuff with a passion. Fighting a robot maid with a robot maid has to be one of my lowest points ever for gaming. Fun combat, good music, and beautiful world tho

completely blew me out of the water. made me really feel the impact of jrpg's. dunban was over there

sunk many hours. definitely one of the most open world games of all time