it's like they took everything cool about super mario land 1 and put it in a game that actually functions properly
(i really wish the music was more varied though. it's cool that the songs all have the same motif but my god it gets tiring to hear over and over)

easily one of my top 3 kirby's dream land games

lowkey if the physics in this game weren't dog ass this could be a legit classic. the idiosyncratic theming, the level design and the music (had no clue half of these songs even came from this game) are all sick asf and deserved better than being in a game where mario controls like this. still a surprisingly good game even with that pretty major flaw, totally worth a play if you have an hour and a bit to waste

my ass is NOT built for this shit dude

someone actually gotta kill 14 year old me for dropping this after a few hours dude

(to be fair, the first few hours - while still good - are the worst part of the game, but everything else is so peak that it's so far beyond being worth it to get through them. play it please it's actually that good i swear)

this game makes me go monkey mode in voice calls and really what higher praise can i give it than that

oh my fucking god. this is the type of game that after playing, you don't know if you're ever gonna be able to stop thinking about it and everything it said - because holy fuck

such a cute and fun lil thing with some of the coolest meta shit i've ever seen in a game - the ending stretch really is that good, too. don't want to say too much, this game is short and it's cheap - just go play it and find out for yourself!! now!!!!!

edit, 1 week later: just played through the alternate route and wow. it most certainly has its flaws but what it adds is really quite impactful - made me feel wrong for acting like i had beaten the game after my first playthrough. play it also!!!

seriously the coolest shit ever. i do wish the game gave you some sort of pointers so that discovering all the endings wasn't something that either requires a guide or takes way too long but everything else is so fantastic that i can forgive it

i absolutely adore how much character this game has. wario games are always so expressive and personality-ridden in a way other nintendo (and particularly mario) games just can't seem to ever fully match, and when everything about the game so thoroughly feels like the devs had so much fun creating it, it really seeps in to the game and adds a lot to the experience in a way that i find really hard to explain. the pixel art and how animate everything - especially wario - is, all the different level theming and the level design within them, the insane sound design (cough cough) - it just makes for something so deeply fun. this game might be short at only 18 levels, but essentially all of them are so well crafted that it isn't much of an issue, at least for me - having that many fantastic 2d puzzle platformer stages in a row really felt fulfilling enough as is. simply put, this is a fantastic game - probably the best 2d platformer within the mario franchise and maybe even for nintendo as a whole. play it!!

strange, messy game with a (quite intentionally) vague story that's worth playing just for what context it can add to painful, though not something absolutely essential. watching a youtube video on it might provide a similar amount of context as actually playing it for yourself

the game's plot does feel somewhat contrived at points, much more so than anything in Painful did, and the gameplay does also suffer relative to Painful (not that that was the first game's major selling point, but battles - while not bad - are definitely not as enjoyable or intense here) though at the end of the day it's almost impossible to give anything with an ending as powerful as this less than a 4.5

incredibly moving and absolutely unrateable work. more of an art piece with minor interactive elements than a game but that doesn't mean that this isn't something everyone should experience at some point, this is one of the most upsettingly real things i have ever seen

the vibes are maybe a teensy bit better in the original but aside from the controls being weird (not a big problem since they can be remapped) and the depth perception sometimes feeling off, this game is so peak it's crazy - maybe it's just the autism speaking but playing the game at all just made me feel so happy in a way that's so hard to describe. everything about this bleeds insane amounts of charm, from the ways enemies dance around in battle to the random 2d platformer sections to whatever the fuck happened in the ending and it all just culminates to an experience that means so much to me in spite how little meaning anything in it actually has. play hylics 2!

(one personal little knock; the music has gone from directionless neo-psychedelic post-rock strumming in the first game to direction-ful neo-psychedelic psych rock strumming in this, which although this soundtrack 100% has some great stuff to offer i do prefer what the first was doing. i especially miss how noise rock-y the first game's ost got on tracks like Messy Song - hearing that song for the first time in-game changed me as a human being - but oh well i can live with what this game does)