The blend of slice of life social sim and jrpg demon fusing was very fun to me, particularly due to the decent difficulty. Shadows can give you a really hard time if you are not playing smart and managing your party members with tactics is paramount to survival. The story was very captivating to me as well, the trance-like day after day rhythm interrupted with story developments that creep up on you is a lot of fun. Structurally, it's a super neat game for reasons I wish not to spoil. It's very LONG, though, so I can't really see myself replaying this probably ever.

This was my first videogame ever. Out of all of the Spyro games, this one remains my favorite with its dreamlike worlds and the fantastic level design.

Cool worlds and funny npcs. This game introduced more "minigames" and objectives of the sort that simultaneously expand but also kind of dilute what I liked about the the first game. Some of the levels are extremely good, though, and it has bagpipes.

Honestly all 3 Spyro games are a lot of fun, but this one started going a bit silly with all the minigames and extra characters and stuff. Still liked it a lot!

Atmospheric little game with great soundtrack and tank controls. I'll always have a soft spot for it. The difficulty abruptly spikes a few levels in and the game kind of rapidly concludes itself after that, leading me to believe that maybe they ran out of time or budget and had to wrap things up, to this day I have no idea. Still a lot of fun to play, though, even if the last actual "level" might test your patience, it is a fun journey. Love recommending this to people only to watch them stream themselves get mercilessly filtered by stage 4.

Intensely addictive monster breeding game. In comparison to games like Pokemon, you generally don't tend to directly control your monsters, although there is an option to do so. But Monster personality is pretty important in this one, and there's quite a lot of nuance to breeding decent monsters with inheritable skills, monster personality depending on tendencies, secret breeding combinations, etc. Whenever I boot this up I feel like I could go on playing it for hours, used to play it in transit sometimes. Highly recommended.

By far the best digital MTG game. Offering a rare slice of MTG history, you can play with lots of old sets in a randomly generated world, acquiring new cards to keep evolving your deck as you do quests for villagers to get a chance at more cards! It's very addictive and highly replayable, and doesn't try to empty your wallet. The AI in this game can be a bit schizo sometimes and some of the old rules might throw some people off, like not being able to mulligan unless you meet certain requirements, mana burn, damage going on the stack, etc. Still absolutely hilarious that you can build actual stax decks and horrendously broken stuff in this though, even if it is not always advisable considering you probably don't wanna spend 30 minutes on every single encounter.

The only caveat is that it is kind of tricky to find a version of the game that runs well on modern PCs nowadays, I remember having quite a bit of trouble with it. I much prefer this over modern day MTG offerings and would like them to make more stuff like this that isn't a games-as-a-service money milking machine.

I always thought it was a pretty smart idea filling all the empty traversal space with water, makes the game feel a lot larger than it most likely is, and really drives home a sense of adventure when you are out at sea, at least to me. It is easily my favorite Zelda game, even if some of the other titles come very close. I prefer this version as I don't really agree with the nerf to the triforce charts, as to me, this was a pretty evident indication that one should go out and explore the rest of the game and I never really had a lot of trouble making enough rupees to fund this section of the game. The Pictobox is also one of my most favorite features in the game and I had a lot of fun completing the models. If there is one thing I would change about this game, it's likely the duration it takes to convert photos into models as I think that introduced a lot of arbitrary waiting time/having to play the same song twice every time that could have otherwise been avoided.

The levels are quite big but relatively barren, which gives it a bit of an odd feeling compared to other entries in the series. Difficulty-wise I think it's pretty fun, I like that enemies try and mess with you by dodging or blocking quite frequently, but the boss design definitely suffered, a lot of them are kind of painfully simple (see Tunnel Rhino and Blizzard Buffalo for some notable examples). They just don't really do a lot of very different things. Ride Armor is also kind of a "collectable for the sake of collecting more stuff" thing without any meaningful applications, which is a bit unfortunate.

I find this game really interesting due to how weird some of its systems are, like the enigma cannon and the space shuttle, the power up system and hunter rank. That being said, I think it has some of the weakest levels in the entire franchise. Shadow Devil is REALLY cool, though. At least they tried some new crap, even if the end result is people scratching their head at it and having melties about having to do the autoscroller submarine fish thing twice.

This game really got me into arcade STGs, and still is one of my favorites. It's pretty hard, the bullets are fast, and to this day I haven't even managed a 1-ALL getting mercilessly destroyed by Stage 6 and 7, but i still love playing it.

Lovely vertical STG with really creative stage visuals, I love stage 3's dungeon theme. I think presentation is really this game's strong point. I like a lot of the attention put towards little details like Chiita's ship having a cape, townsfolk running around on the ground scrambling to get away from the Gobligans, things like that. It does feel a bit on the unforgiving side if you end up dying due to the power up system, but maybe it's just the stage 5 boss having some insane amount of health idk. The characters are really cool, and I honestly enjoy playing literally all of them with none of them feeling particularly underpowered or anything.

This game moreso than any other AC game really kinda nails the atmosphere for me. I love the cliffs, the pond, the train station and the police station, the light house and many other things about the village in this game, some of which have since departed from sequels or been replaced. This game is from an era before the franchise really incentivised hoarding and using the game as an interior (now also exterior) designing tool, where if you find something new it really does feel kind of cool. Villagers have a lore more volatile personalities and can even scam you out of money if you are unfortunate enough to be carrying too much around thanks to their crafty little games, and can even be outright rude, which makes them feel a lot more believable than the infinitely repeating meaningless phrases uttered in later titles (I would say, starting with New Leaf). I think this game still has a lot to offer, but it may be difficult to unlearn some of the more modern animal crossing habits and gameplay features for some.

This game is a pretty big departure from the usual Bomberman title being more of a platformer of sorts, but I find its strange worlds and enemies very compellingly designed. The soundtrack by Jun Chikuma is amazing, featuring cool 90s era breakbeat and electronic music, that I've often listened to outside of playing the game. It might feel a little sluggish to some in part also due to the questionable framerate issues, but that never deterred me from enjoying it.

This kart racer always eclipsed Mario Kart to me, I think the drifting and turbo mechanics just really ended up making me like this game more than any other racing game until then. Story mode is great, too. My only gripe is that you can't do story mode as Ripper Roo, but they fixed that in the remake. That being said, I still prefer this version over the remake, as it does not have that excessive store front and currency grinding stuff with skins diluting a lot of the character design and visual cohesion of the game.

My favorite track is Polar Pass!