the game is just fe1, put to DS with some quality of life changes and a cool reclass system that you can trivialize the game with once you get wolf and sedgar. plus the animations are funny clay people its funny

fire emblem 3 book 2, but introduced the avatar character. unfortunately for this game they borderline trivialize the game by being too good. but overall yeah if you're trying to play book 2 this is the way more enjoyable pick

ill give the game credit where credit is due by virtue of it being my first FE game. this game will always have a special place in my heart because of it

to be honest it really isn't that bad? i think it gets a bad rep due to the S support marriage thing plus the avatar being there but honestly as a game it isn't that bad. aside from it being really, really easy (not talking about lunatic+ fucking hate lunatic+)

its a fun time. each character kind of has a new thing where they're glorified walking anime stereotypes which can be annoying at times but overall its fun. awakening is cool

Every day, hanging around
I'm waiting for the sun to come out
In every way I'm shouting out loud
I want you now

So send me your love tonight
And I will hold it tight
Catch a ray of light from up above
Then I feel the sunshine of your love
And one drop will be just enough

Your warm embrace
Now your love is shining through
And the beauty that you bring
Just lifts me up in everything that I do

When I feel the sunlight on my face
I'm so happy that I sing this song
All day I wanna touch you feel your SUNKiSS♥DROP

(I want it , I need it , I feel your SUNKiSS♥DROP)

Is on my lips
You make all my dreams come true
And the loving that you bring
Just feels so good
And everytime you come through

Then I see the smile upon your face
And my love for you goes on and on
All day I wanna touch you feel your SUNKiSS♥DROP


the mark of my ddr addiction. also the mark where they began to amp up difficulty (paranoia survivor, sakura, trip machine survivor, the legend of max, etc)
plus the returning song list is ALSO gas. its so good
i love tapping arrows its so fun

the definition of a sensory overload game. it was enjoyable for sure, the different endings and outcomes plus the aesthetics of the game add a lot of fun replay value. i admit getting happy end world fucked me up a little bit it tugged at my heartstrings a bit and i feel it teaches a very valuable lesson of disconnecting from the internet as being terminally attached to it will have impacts on your mental health

(gba era baby)

binding blade is the first step into the GBA era of the fire emblem games and i think it's an alright entry. nothing mind blowing, but generally a good time

kind of the same fire emblem story rehash? prince finds his kingdom in a shitty spot, turns out an evil guy is working with an evil dragon to dominate the world and we need to save it

but the flashy animations, vibrant colors and cool music make up for it by adding a flair that the older FE titles didn't have, and i think it's pretty cool. although an issue is suffers from is the infamous 1-2 range sweep that plagues majority of FE titles from this era. some maps are just way too big for their own good as well

roy also sucks cock. he's such a shitty unit lol

but as a start? its a good one. not too shabby

(first fire emblem in the west lets goo)

it's fun! really fun, actually. lyn mode is a glorified tutorial, so this'll be mostly on eliwood + hector's mode respectively

eliwood mode is a great introduction to those getting into the game and hector mode is step up in difficulty providing some small amounts of new content like side objectives and new chapters which is cool for a second run through.

the hard modes respectively amp the difficulty up by raising levels of enemy units, introducing promoted units at an earlier spot of the game, alternate positions, etc

it's a good time. i like this one a lot, also a direct prequel to binding blade which is something i don't think we've seen before in a future FE title

have not finished the game yet but--from what i've played, it is a fun time if you ignore the cheesy anime stereotypes. BUT the gameplay is surprisingly fun. i actually enjoy the engage mechanic a lot, giving you new and unique ways to go about maps and provide solutions to tricky situations that normally would be difficult in prior installments without it.

diamant my glorious king

taught me how to dance, motivates me to dance. not hard to get into, and if you're interested in anyway possible i implore you to play it, its so much fun

a vast upgrade over its previous installment. an unnerving psychological horror VN. doesn't help my tolerance to horror is zero but still was a fun experience

(i love thracia)

thracia is almost the perfect fe game. thracia is considered by many to be the hardest fire emblem game (excluding shit like lunatic+ and all that, that isn't really "hard", it's more just bs imo) because a lot of the chapters are enemy sided. they're usually equipped with siege weapons like ballistae and siege tomes, enemies can have leadership stars to increase their general army's stats by a tad, fatigue can exhaust a unit making them undeployable in the next chapter unless you use a stamina drink, etc.

again, it can be a bit annoying when you're the one getting beaten and worn down per chapter--but imo that's the fun of it all. defying the odds and all that shit

(if youre not a fan of the words peak fiction, goat, raw, fire--click off this video)

radiant dawn holds up nearly as well as path of radiance imo because of its story telling and how it ties its gameplay to it. i have small minor issues that i hold against it from being better than path of radiance but i'll elaborate later

similar to thracia the game places you in a situation where you feel like you're never at a huge advantageous position right away (unless your name is jill or haar) and sometimes, they outright are not afraid to take these tools away from you as they'll lock units from being deployed due to story reasons. battles just feel that much more intense, and it's better helped from recurring characters returning and sometimes even having to fight again who you played as in the prior installation. it's so fucking cool

again my issues stem from some characters. i found it hard to get attached to the dawn brigade aside from micaiah, sothe and ilyana, some supports being underdeveloped due to awkward join/leave times, etc. but aside from that. amazing game i love it

unironically a fun vampire survivors-like game with a huge variety of characters with unique and different playstyles. gets repetitive, but that's the nature of a game like this. unlocking all the cool weapons and unlocking all the content in the game is generally a fun time. its free too

i haven't even gotten past chapter 2 and its probably one of my favorite games to play. whether its progressing story or just killing random people you come across its just good open world fun