I played this with my older brother - he played guitar, I sang. I remember a handful of songs, like "Blitzkrieg Bop" and "Wanted Dead or Alive", but the one that stuck in my head most was "Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones. I sang that one time and got to the part where it says "r*pe, murder, it's just a shot away" and my entire family laughed at me for some reason?? because I didn't know what it meant and I was like 5 or 6 years old

she slayed so much harder than pac man. and i'm only half joking. the game is actually better.

ok no offense but at this point if you bought this and actually expected it to be good, that's on you lmfao. this is what, the 4th shitty nintendo sports game on switch? did you not learn from tennis, golf, and switch sports? they're soulless !!

It's rushed. We know this. The story sucks. We know this. I don't love it, but I do think it's going to age better than people think. The new mons and galarian forms were good IMO. I liked the significance of the legendaries way more than ever before - they were simply legends of old instead of malevolent gods. Raids (and especially Dynamax Adventures) have SO much potential and I really hope they aren't a one-off mechanic like Dynamax. I really want to see them back in Scarlet/Violet. The multiplayer community at this game's launch was something special. The DLC also had a lot of improvements on the base game, although I still think it's lame that we needed DLC for it to get to that level. It's the most accessible game for competitive play, and I appreciate its strides in that direction.

I spent way too much time playing this considering how bad it is lmfao

I definitely understand why so many prefer this game to the classics. Wall jumping and dashing? Check. Hidden upgrades? Check. Iconic soundtrack? Check. Still one of the best SNES games and has aged pretty well for the most part.

I still think smooth moves is a tiny bit better but this is very much up there. Such a lovely title

has the only canonically gay character in the series, in my eyes


Disclaimer: I don't have PSN so I'm just talking about the singleplayer.

Even though I zoned out every single time a cutscene/story element was brought up, it doesn't diminish how much I like this game. Every weapon feels uniquely fun to play. Finding secrets was super rewarding and I never got tired of finishing enemies and upgrading my arsenal. It's a crazy fun feedback loop.

I haven't played Eternal yet but it's a good sign that most of the criticisms on this game are calling Eternal better in every way, to the point where they have trouble returning to this one. Considering how much I already like this game, I am very excited to eventually get my hands on Eternal.

my brother kidnapped my xbox so I never got to fight king dice but I basically did everything else and it slayed

surprisingly mid. couldn't be bothered to care about the story and the gameplay just feels inferior and repetitive

king knight was boring and i hated the card game but the other 3 campaigns slayed. especially plague knight