Evil pricing and very few actual upgrades from the base game but the button controls worked surprisingly well after getting used to them. Still the best way to play Skyward Sword. I don't think it's anyone's favorite Zelda but it's a good time.

One of the best games ever - slightly brought down by some backtracking sections and unintuitive items/visors. The thermal and x-ray visors were cheap ways to hide more secrets and the artifact hunt was pretty annoying. Prime 2 is better imo by a little bit. The scanning mechanic is one of the most genius ways to convey lore and storytelling through meaningful gameplay. I'll always love the version on the GC (non-player's choice) for its sequence break at the beginning. Everyone should experience this game.

Everyone who says the N64 version is better needs to take off their nostalgia goggles - this version is mechanically and graphically superior. Loved that they included Master Quest too.

I'm not sure if I'm just dumb but it took me WAY longer than it should have to understand the true ending. Still a charming game.

Best 2D Zelda game, and has the best approach to nonlinearity thus far. Breath of the Wild needs to take notes from this game's rental system. It works wonders.

Super charming, peak collect-a-thon. Only big gripe is the board game before the final boss. I liked Brentilda as comic relief but we should not have to study test questions to get to the final boss alive. :/

Not as good as I would have hoped. It does nothing to innovate on the traditional JRPG format. I also don't like how Act 3 tries to completely retcon Act 2. This might sound like an odd comparison but if you've played Persona 5 Royal, your motives in act 3 are similar to the final villain's. It just leaves a weird taste in my mouth and certainly didn't help that your skill trees regress as soon as you go back in time. I'm so tired of the repetitive music that plays in every single DQ game (lol rest in piss sugiyama). I liked the characters, though. Erik and Hero definitely have a thing.

This game Sucks but I'm a little obsessed

JFA, particularly Franziska's personal story, is a story that grew on me immensely. Aside from 2-1 which is completely irrelevant in every way, all of the cases (yes, even Big Top) thematically contribute to the intertwining plots. On one hand, Phoenix is wavering over his ability to make people's lives better by finding the truth, as he is awarded with increasingly bitter rewards upon successfully defending his clients. The other plot concerns the pervasive sibling rivalry between Franziska and Miles.

Franziska's contempt for Phoenix parallels in Mimi's anger towards Dr. Grey, and Acro's resentment of Regina. She blames Phoenix for "Proecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death," and the intertwining plot threads masterfully culminate in Farewell, My Turnabout.

Franziska's win in court that she so desperately desires is stripped of her, as she gets shot in the shoulder just as her father was. Adrian Andrews' resentment against the culprit once again parallels Franziska's own troubles, and subsequently feels attached to the prosecutor. Phoenix and Miles, have come so far themselves, and the entire case shows how the plot threads throughout the game can excel even in the midst of logic issues (2-3) and filler (2-1), so long as the overarching narrative themes are sound.

Still good, but vastly overrated. Worst story in the series (I dare you to give me the name of the new boss of team rocket. you can't.), awful encounter tables on each route, horrible gym teams with bad variety, the worst champion in the series, most new pokemon were locked behind the postgame, bad level curve, the list goes on. It's not the worst game in the series and has its highs (furret my beloved) but there is so much to dislike whenever I come back to this game.

There's no better feeling then coming back from Kapp'n Island and selling all of your fish and bugs for a ton of cash. The welcome amiibo content update was huge and showed how much the devs really cared about the game. You really can't say the same with New Horizons.

Not nearly enough new content. Still a good base game, but the fact that we had to pay extra for an actual good story mode? And the fact that salmon run was restricted to certain times for seemingly no reason?

Second best story in the series, behind Sun and Moon. It was super cool and ambitious for them to have an all new dex of pokemon. The gym leaders had personality, there was dynamic music, and it's just a great time.

This game has aged so horribly and I do not recommend it to anyone

This game makes me so upset. The worst part is that I knew this was coming. We never needed Sinnoh remakes to begin with - Platinum holds up well, as opposed to Red and Blue which absolutely needed to be fixed. I wish this game didn't exist.