Tears of the Kingdom might genuinely be the best game I have ever played. I didn't think you could go much higher than BotW but this improves on every aspect: the characters, the dungeons, the story, the gameplay, and so much more. Tears of the Kingdom finds a way to keep you constantly engaged up to the very end, with so much freedom to decide how you want to approach every problem. I can't say I wanted more, but I never wanted it to stop. An instant favorite, and a modern classic.

This really is a sequel to Pikmin 2. I really enjoyed this game, but I don't think I loved it the way I loved 1 and 3. It is a bit of an overcorrection for the series, imposing certain limitations and removing difficulty options and true multiplayer for seemingly no reason. The new content is very cool (finally green Pikmin), but the game is shockingly easy 95% of the time, with the other 5% being out of nowhere difficulty spikes or insta-death for your Pikmin. It's best moments are almost all from older games in the series, with the removal of some features that left me confused as to their absence. If nothing else, it is more solid Pikmin goodness to play.

If you're new to the series, this is an excellent and complete experience to start with, but longtime series veterans may struggle to understand why this game seems keeps you on training wheels through most of the game. (It's like Metroid Fusion in that sense)

Pikmin 3 on its own is incredible, and even better than I remembered it the first time. It feels rewarding to master the controls, and while the pointer controls on switch are pretty lackluster, the gyro + stick controls make up for it. The new prologue and epilogue are very easy and kind of lacking. They are more like additional missions, but they're too easy. I wish the deluxe pushed further and added more actual missions, which is the part of the game I wish would never end.

The long awaited sequel definitely holds up. The new powers are slick, they streamlined the counter & Aeion systems from Samus Returns to make sure everything flows well, and the EMMI zones create a genuine sense of dread. There were a couple rooms that lagged noticeably, but I'm chalking that up to the Switch and not the game.

When this game is doing something right, it's absolutely knocking it out of the park. The boss fights are better, the combat system is deeper, the map is larger, and the web swinging is somehow even more fluid. Switching between Peter and Miles is great, and this game makes incredible use of the PS5 with almost zero load times and seamless switches between gameplay and cutscene. The web wings are a godsend for movement, and the game is full of fun easter eggs and collectibles. Make sure you do the side missions! They're almost better than the main story at points. This is one of the best adaptations of the symbiote story, and I love how creative they get with the plot in this. It's the first Spider-Man media to ever convince me that Kraven is actually a cool character.

However, there are some drawbacks. I do feel like Miles is a bit underutilized in the story, and the suits and much more underwhelming than the first game (I only found like 4-5 on each character I actually liked using). The main story also lacks some cohesion compared to how masterfully crafted the first game's was in my opinion, but it's still really solid. I think I just prefer my Spider-Man stories a bit more grounded than this gets at times with world-ending threats and such, but it's truly a fantastic game I had a great time with. The gameplay and balance in this game far exceeds that of the first game, so it all depends what you're looking for. I really hope there's a DLC to continue the story!

Truly the best version of this game, and a love letter to Zelda as a whole. I loved the original on Wii U, and this brings everything back plus a ton more. This version features a ton of content from the old versions, plus all the DLCs and more. making for a great package that I had a blast replaying / experiencing the new stuff. Maybe would've ranked higher if I was willing to sink thousands of hours into the new boards, but I just played story. You could realistically play this for over a thousand hours if you wanted to experience everything.

Short, simple, sweet. I played Pikmin 3 first, but even though this looked a little dated, it absolutely holds up. I love the 30 day time limit, and the broken ship gives way to a very natural progression that makes you feel like you have to survive against all odds. The limited pool of 3 Pikmin colors was a good place to start, even if it feels weird that the yellows haven't really found their place like they do later in the series.

This game gets a lot right and a lot wrong at the same time. The combat is streamlined in a way that makes it way more fun, the game is a lot harder, the animations are incredible, and the boss battles are drastically improved over the first game. I loved getting to come back to this world and see it expanded in a way that really fleshes out Miles' character before Spider-Man 2 this fall.

However, the game lacks that layer of polish that made the first one so special. The new ideas it brings to the table are cool, but they don't all mesh well and feel a little janky to use at times. The game is also incredibly short and lacks the side content to make it worth it to me at full price. If you get this, get it on sale. Despite this, I am very glad this game exists, and for what it is, it's a genuinely good time.

Also uncle aaron's mixtape is trash.

Never played a Gen 2 Pokemon game, so I got this on VC. It was about what you'd expect, very basic Pokemon experience. Not the worst, but far from the best. Love the sprite art in this one though!

Sheepo is a cute game that is short, but sweet, but still just a little too short in some places. The movement is super fun to get the hang of and there are some sections that require pretty tight control over the character. The "post-game" can be completed in 10 minutes, but the game has a lot of charm. The somber environment, dialogue, and plot points are all just a little bittersweet and carry the background message that a thing isn't always beautiful because it lasts (just like this game!).

Sailing the open sea really makes you feel like your discoveries are your own once you're given the ability to roam around. The game kept surprising me left and right, and the cel-shading looks gorgeous. Also, having the Wii U gamepad hold the inventory and map worked extremely well for playing on the fly.

I don't get the hype, this was mid asf

A pretty basic Metroid experience, but that makes sense considering its the first one. The Zero Suit epilogue is really cool, though. I don't have much to say, it's fun!

It's a fine game overall and very good for its time, but found myself wishing for more modern controls. Half the time I felt like I was fighting against either the camera or the slippery controls. Doing anything precise in this game is like doing surgery, but larger movements are fluid and fun. I understand how foundational this game was, but the only reason you're playing this is to either speedrun or see what its all about (let's be honest). And yes, I got all 120 stars.