Man I will never be good enough at Ketsui.

Goddamn, way to ruin Majima.

Just don't play anything with the story and it will be OK but not good.

Look, the ending is actually super depressing, but only if you remember unwacky Majima.

The death of modern videogames, maybe.

Dehumanize yourself and learn to deal with menstruation, dudes.

5 stars or 1 star.
Who knows?
Go for broke.

Fuck the haters.

Game rules.

It's a mess that tries to engage with everything before it, even making a one off joke about goddamn Data Sora.

It's all about how teenage dudes don't know how to be friends.

Sure, I maybe cried a couple times. FOH.

Hey, remember what was interesting in Portal? Let's just sand all of that off that game, and then crank up the possibly-problematic Pixar writing. Add in far too much of that IFLScience for extra fun. Make every puzzle have only one solution that is presented really obviously as soon as you enter the room.

Oh and make the game compliment the player constantly for just being able to press buttons.

We'll aim the gun for you at the final fight, don't worry.

God, fuck this game.

Oh hey this feels like a neat short experiment. Let's never make a sequel to it. Let's not overly playtest it. Let's let players figure things out on their own. Let's be broken sometimes.

Jesus, Persona team, please stop trying to talk about social issues. Or at least hire someone who isn't a middle aged Japanese dude to write it, good lord.

This review contains spoilers

This game is about my depression and the way it ends makes me cry because sometimes I need someone to tell me I don't have to do it alone.

It's fun. It's fine. It's a lesson telling you to stop when you stop enjoying it. I don't know why early Switch Nintendo was so hellbent on teaching us this lesson, but here it is again.

Monster Hunter is a game all about rituals and this is the end point of it's pre-World design for now. I love it.