Although some may say different, I feel this is a PERFECT sequel to an already perfect game.

Normally i’m not a fan of games with multiple ending and choices that actually matter because they stress me out. BUT I freaking love beyond two souls even if it pissed me off because i had to restart sometimes to get the ending I actually wanted.

Even with its problems (which I personally rarely ran into) the story was so gripping and fun that i couldn’t help but fall in love with cyberpunk.

It’s batman and it’s fun, nothing else is needed.

The only good sonic game that isn’t shadow the hedgehog or a racing game.

Let me preface this by saying I used to absolutely hate this game for a long time because I first played it on ps4 and for some reason that port is absolute fucking garbage. Even though every single time I would see it on a new console I would always buy it to "give it another chance" and thank god I did because it finally clicked for me. I've probably replayed it like 5 times now trying to unlock the infinite ammo guns and all the special costumes.
Its definitely a better experience on NG+ with all the weapons carrying over because those first few hours can be unnecessarily brutal.

the only complaint I have is that the game is definitely easier but its still a 10/10 experience.

this might actually be one of the worst games i’ve ever played in my life.

dear team ninja, fuck you for making the morale system :)

14 hours straight later and yeah it’s perfect

this is claire’s re4 and I fucking love it.

A playable B-Movie that has legitimate charm and a engaging story.

So much better than the first in pretty much every regard. LOVE IT!