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Being the most divisive Silent Hill game, there is quite a lot to talk about here. Starting with the bad; wow this game can be janky at times lol. Eileen is way too slow, the movement does not pair well with the constantly changing camera angles, the combat tries to be something different than the other games but is just more-less the same thing with a strong attack meter, the enemies range from dead in two hits to literally unkillable, and don't even get me started on the voice acting. Despite all these flaws however, Silent Hill 4 still manages to create an amazing atmosphere like its fellow entries in the series. The level design is so great and varied and it always keeps you on your toes, dumping fantastic pieces of lore that don't just build on this game, but the whole series as well. The first-person apartment sections are the highlight of this game, especially when the hauntings start. It's obvious that the infamous P.T. grabbed a lot of inspiration from this title and that is nothing to scoff at. I believe that if the flaws weren't there or at least lessened to an extent, this would by far be the scariest Silent Hill. Regardless, the game still has these glaring issues that can't just be looked over for the sake of good atmosphere. All in all, it's still a great game. Funny how this is often considered the worst of the original games but still is on a tier way above anything not done by Team Silent. TL;DR great game, major flaws.

This is probably the most scary piece of media I've ever consumed. The atmosphere is perfect as well as the sound/level design. I often found myself paranoid, questioning if those steps or bangs came from my home or from the game. Although not as emotional or story driven as Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 stands on its own as the pinnacle of the horror genre. I would be lying if I said I never hid behind pause screens, or immediately exited rooms upon entering due to the terrifying static; this game had me on edge constantly, providing enough tense moments for one's entire lifetime. Like any other Silent Hill, by no means is the game perfect, but instead plays all it's imperfections to sculpt a horror experience that no other game can offer.

best bosses, best music, best everything

despite constantly showing it’s age, this remains an essential title in the horror genre. i still jumped a lot and was on edge every time that radio static picked up in the deep fog

Masterclass in horror, atmosphere, and gameplay. RE2 Remake hits every beat a survival horror game should have flawlessly while building upon the foundations that the 1998 release placed

I really sobbed over the power of friendship

Open-mindedness will really take you a long way when your critiques of a game come from non-sensical arguments surrounding plot and characters that feature extreme depth that you arrogantly choose to ignore.
Tears were shed, eyes were opened, play this game.

I beat this game close to a month ago and it hasn't left my mind once since. Is it the soundtrack I've had on repeat? The reminiscing of atmosphere and setting? Maybe the gut wrenching story. I don't know exactly what has kept me so infatuated with this game, but I can't think of any other experience I've had with any media that left me just so... stuck. Whatever it is, I've been craving for more and have started a journey to play the other Silent Hill games. This game is nothing short of a masterpiece, and is a generational work of art that will be highly regarded as long as video games stay in the mainstream.