Such a strange, but fun game. Simple on the surface, but gets challenging in later levels. Very fun to play alongside someone.

My favorite of the Assassin's Creed series. Lots of great memories playing this great title.

New Leaf does a great job of reinventing the series by making you mayor of the town, but also keeping it the same Animal Crossing we know and love. Plus, Welcome Amiibo is a great update to an already amazing AC title.

Not a bad game, definitely fun with friends for a little bit. But $50 was way too much for this game as it gets repetitive quick. Would have been a higher rating had it just been packaged in with the Switch like many others think it should have been.

The best Animal Crossing game in my opinion. Super simple with lots of reasons to revisit your town time and time again.

A great sequel to an amazing game, keeping things fresh while also staying true to the original

Not terrible, starts off good but starts to lose your interest as the game goes on.

As someone who is easily pleased and likes a lot of "bad" games, this one is just awful. Tried giving it a fair shot, but could only get through 2/3 hours before becoming very bored.

A very challenging game, but it makes it so worth it when you finally complete that boss. The visuals are so eye-pleasing and the music is great as well.

One of the best platformers out there. Such a great classic that I have such a joy playing time and time again.

Not a bad game, but not a good Banjo-Kazooie game. I think they would've been better off making this game with a new IP instead of just throwing two recognizable characters on it hoping it'll sell.

A simple but fun game that absolutely carried quarantine. Very easy to learn and a blast when playing with friends. Also a big plus that it's available on so many platforms.

This game is so hilarious and I still think about a lot of moments from the game to this day. Very fun to play with a friend.

Honestly not a bad game in my eyes. Right when the game released, I had fun playing it and had minimum problems running it. Completely see where everyone's problems are coming from though.

One of the greatest games of all time. Very memorable gameplay with many unique galaxies to explore. The soundtrack is an all time classic with some of the best songs to come from video games. A very good and deep story, especially for a Mario game.