entertaining but repetitive and mediocre retro styled game living off the older outrun games' clout.
the ps4 version has the extra of becoming borderline unplayable as the framerate gets worse and worse as the race goes on, can't believe how a low poly unity game can run this poorly on a non-portable console.
uninspired and broken phone-tier game by incompetent devs who will get decent reviews on this site due to sharing a nationality with much of the userbase

really takes a while to get good, but when it does it is quite good, im glad i stuck around after dropping the game twice within the first few hours

this game is the most early 2010s thing ever, it's like the project x of video games full with the dudebro culture, the obnoxious dubstep, the flannel shirts, but ultimately a perfect cultural screenshot of a better time, it's the ultimate car fantasy, peak escapism, technically flawless, so good that the formula this spin off established has continued to dominate the arcade racing landscape for almost a decade now

simply fantastic, no words to how much value and fun you get for this, along with all its mods

this is what you play when your cpu isn't strong enough to emulate the ps2 ones


not fun, not thought provoking, not technically impressive, not deep
artsy visuals can't carry a nothing game but apparently marketing towards the 'intellectual gamer' types can

the graphic design behind each fictional brand is just the icing on the cake, great games, good remaster. wipeout deserves a new release

this and uncharted 4 are shining examples what i call the modern naughty dog torture
you're forced through neverending boring, painful sections just hoping for that fun, well crafted shooting sequence to show up again, and said sequence doesn't even last long before the beatings begin again
what an experience

like drinking a latte with not enough coffee

i find the fact you cant save at home (but instead from the pause menu) absolutely mindboggling like holy shit, way to break the comfiness
pretty okay game, very charming but also features some of the most obnoxious sections i've ever played in a video game (looking at those missions locked in jupiter style) . feels like a 2 generation leap from the first game but still manages to regress in the mission design aspect