i love it when rockman says "let's rock!" and rocks all over those guys. its good because its mega man, which as a series has great level design, music, and good general design choices. but it suffers from first game syndrome in the sense that the movement feels less smooth and there are random janky difficulty spikes much like in other NES platformers. tied with 8 for my least favorite of the classic series but still a good game. has a good soundtrack but easily the worst of the classic series (except 11 which i havent played)

classic shit. managing your resources made not only the monsters but also yourself into an enemy. sound design is great, monster design is good (even though theres only like 2), and the story is fine but only really matters for the first and the last 10 minutes of the game. plenty of monsters in awkward spots to scare you, which is appreciated. biggest issue is i wish the environments had more variety, it starts to feel monotonous as you progress

S: momo, kyu
A: aiko, jessie, nikki, venus
B: kyanna, tiffany, beli, lola
C: celeste
D: audrey

call me a fucking weeb i dont care

really nice production value and sprite art. buying upgrades and prestiging feels more satisfying than in other idle games for some reason and i enjoy some of the side mechanics. however once you unlock spells, progression just becomes waiting for a golden cookie to spawn and casting a spell to get another one to spawn and praying you get a good combo so you can make a weeks worth of cookies in 2 minutes, ie, progressing requires good rng, which is annoying. so instead of a 4 1/2 it gets a 3 1/2


best story/themes out of any horror game ive played, has great environment design, and can be very scary when it wants to. an impressive horror game from a production standpoint and one that i will likely revisit every several years. only significant issue is the gameplay itself being just okay compared to some of frictional's other titles. its mostly a walking simulator with few things to interact with, nor is there any resource management like in amnesia. also the monsters are great but i wish there were more of them

as someone who enjoys competitive smash ive probably gotten 1000+ hours out of playing and watching this game. ive never played another fighting game with movement and controls that feel as good as ultimate's. the buffer system helps a ton with comfort and accessibility. also, with 90 something characters theres so much variety and i still find myself learning new things about the game. playing casually with friends is also fun and results in a lot of hilarious interactions

such peak from walter wick so goated

kino kino goated childhood memories peak peak ispy peak

if youve read any hp lovecraft then half the story becomes super predictable. the atmosphere and tension are good and i do love me a terrifying eldritch entity in my stories. but the characters are very basic and its also quite edgy, painfully so at times

sure it's different and definitely more lowkey than the other games but it's still awesome, its a nice change of pace playing as a human being where death lurks around every corner instead of a roided up angry dude who can rambo his way thru armies of demons (as awesome as that feeling is). definitely enjoy the tension this game has to offer, especially on the higher difficulties

genuinely awesome campaign which i have played through more times than i should. no gimmicks or distractions, just get in the trenches and fuck up some nazis. the american side of the campaign is great but the russian side is peak. zombies mode is fun but is mostly carried by the custom maps

snappy and responsive platforming with a very good difficulty curve. a ton of fun to play and master. beautiful level designs and a lovable main character with a nice supporting cast as well. only negative thing i have to say is that a few obstacles you come across which are pretty annoying to deal with. but it's basically a perfect precision platformer in every other respect

only rated lower than the other doom games because of some annoying bugs (i played it right on launch so they are probably fixed by now) and it has THE worst enemy in the series, that being the marauder. even after you figure out how to deal with their stupid finicky asses they still aren't fun to fight at all and i dreaded every encounter with them. other than that it has the best level design in the series and is basically as good as doom 2016

yeah the combat is somewhat ass but the writing and dialogue are so great and made me feel many of the emotions from happysads to laughing to eleanor is such a sweetie and deserves none of this. story is interesting but nothing too special and i really enjoyed the environments and progression