193 Reviews liked by car0n

what if danganronpa had good writing

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Where chads were born

When Nagito Komaeda is not on screen, the other characters should be asking "Where's Nagito Komaeda?"

Jazz procedural + macaco + sangue + arte super daora + efeitos visuais "crocantes"

preciso dizer mais?

I know it's childhood bias but I genuinely cannot hate this game, it's so dumb it wraps back around to being endearing

They gave sonic a sword and we somehow got gaslighted into thinking that it was a bad thing

"wot if u were a boy with no personality but two hot babes fell in love with you because you were nice to them on the most basic level possible and also the hot babes were part of a marginalised group considered your property but it's ok it's not weird we promise they actually like that you are Their Master it's ok :)"

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

its like squid game with more slurs

my poor cats + dogs......... its been years

why did they lock the good ending behind NOT helping the old man who just fell 20 feet and broke all of his bones

how to like Cave Story+ while also not supporting Nicalis:
1. pirate it