Played it more than once, it is actually scary lmaooo, I really wanna play the og tho

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La Ultima pelea con liquid me rompió las bolas de una forma increíble, si pudiera le bajaría dos puntos por no poder hacer romance gay con otacon

The voice acting is actually incredible I can't believe it


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Keep living Ichi...

Since I didn't play the fist SH, this was somehow hard to understand. However, as much as I liked the game, I HATED the mall part. It was extremely boring and it took me like 3 hours to understand where I should be

Say what you want about this game. This right here is one of Kojima's Magnum opus.

Just when you think it CANNOT get worse, it gets worse.
Easily one of my top 10 games. Definitely a must for everyone.

initially thought I would hate the remake but it was surprisingly good

It's not a lake, it's an ocean.

still one of the best spooky games