Marks for story telling but going through the same looking rooms and doors got old.

Excellent, survival horror at its finest.

I have conflicting feelings about this game. On one hand, the story, atmosphere, setting and the colossi are simply jaw dropping. But on the other, you have these absolute dogshit controls that did not improve with the remake.

Like seriously, controlling Argo (your horse) is some times harder than defeating the colossi themselves. There are so many untouchable moments in this game, which are then runied by old school issues. I'm stuck between a 3.5 and 4

It did take me awhile to get into the gameplay loop as I was used to playing old RE2 style, but once you get the idea that you're supposed to be mobile and be aggressive, it clicked.

The core mechanics are fine, diving with slow mo is fun, but this game shows everything it has to offer within the first few stages. After that there's no new weapons, no new enemies (only 1 right at the end), no environmental changes, and becomes very repetitive.

Hotline did this well because it was constantly changing it up with weapons and masks but here, its just the same shit.

Console controls, worked really good, I actually prefer it to keyboard and mouse. The only thing I didn't like was that it wasn't until the end did I realise that I could change the difficultly, cause the game on the base hard more was way too easy, you just steam roll everything. I wish it made it obvious that you could do this.

UPDATE: Ok, so the more I think about this game, the more I like it. I still stand by how basic mechanics are janky, but the story and the premise, the non obvious things that the game sets up is incredible. I haven't stopped thinking about it for ages. Bumping it up to a 4.5 (was a 3.5)

I think SH2 is best described as an early horror walking simulator. The base mechanics of survival horror game are not good. Controls are janky, puzzles that make no sense and environments where its not very clear how to progress (the first apartment block area is notorious for this) but SH2 delivers on its atmosphere and story which is the reason to play this. Perhaps if I played this at the time it would have stuck with me more, but I thought this was ok.

This had no right being as good as it is. Had a blast with this one.

Art and music is incredible, I can't fault it for that, but man this was a shoddy experience.

Game had an extremely strong start, then really drops off.
- Metroidvania with no map
- Stage design is frustrating as everything looks the same and no map doesn't help.
- Controls are all over the place, especially towards the end where it becomes a different type of platformer. Difficulty spike is all over the place as well.

Very fun little horror game, I think it peaked with the first one, The House Abandon, but the rest were ok.

This game holds up surprisingly well. There are no jump scares but the rather the tension of the environment and the tight corridors really ratchet up the intensity of it all. Best melee combat I've seen in a game thus far.

This was just more RE4 which is a good thing, most of the stages are recycled from the Leon playthrough. Still lots of fun (also was surprised with how long it was, this is just as long as RE3 remake)

Until Dawn was so much better. Supermassive games have a talent for writing characters that are so annoying. The story was pretty half baked and the camera angles during the "gameplay" parts where you walk around, were so close the character that you could barely see anything else. Play Until Dawn instead of this. Shame though because the game looks absolutely amazing. 1 step forward, 2 steps back

I didn't think I would end up liking this game THIS much but god damn this knocked it out of the park. The presentation, the revised story and most especially, the combat system. I was all in at the end. Keen for Rebirth.

NOTE: I played this for the first time with the 2.1 update, have not played Cyberpunk prior to this.

Masterpiece. The world is so immersive and just sucks you in. There hasn't been game like this in awhile where I want to do all the optional side quests and not want it to end. Completely engrossing.