I started this a week after the game first came out, now 4 years later and more than 150 hours I have completed all three routes(im not doing church route) Its a fantastic game to play through, and the intrigue at the first part really makes you crave for more. Although, playing through the first half three times becomes tiring. Edelgard and Dimitri are really good foils of each other and really highlight their ideals. Golden deer route is the best route tho.

I cried fat tears and got an existential crisis

im still thinking about that guess my age puzzle

the gameplay grew on me, but the story did not reveal the lore i wished it did and I wished byleth was utilized as a villain more but the music was really good

The cases are actually fun to think through and the music slaps

A proper end to the trilogy and it really feels wraps everything up in a satisfying way. It did make me wish that Mia was the protag of her own game, but the slow buildup arc of what it truly means to be a defense attorney in a justice system where the seems to be embodying the ideology guilty until proven innocent is handled really well.

Its such a charming game! I was surprised by how much I was enjoying it. Everything from the art style to the combat to the kinstone were fun! The gacha collection minigame thing going on through me for a loop tho ngl.

I actually really enjoyed the story more than I thought I would it had me feeling emotional at some parts, but the gameplay for sure was the best part. I definitely thought more strategically about what units to use and how to postion them than I normally would with like fire emblem for example. I would recommend it for people who like strategy games.

i liked the final case a lot

I'm obsessed with this game. The game is easy to understand and look deceptively easy, but can still offer tons of challenges.

My first time encountering this game was a youtube walkthrough in highschool in which I hid underneath the covers crying as I watched the final scene with the Professor and Luke. Now, as a senior in college filled with anxiety about my own future, I feel connected with Luke and I too find comfort within the Professor. These games feel like reading a book curled within blankets while listening to the rain. I look forward to the upcoming entry into the series.

I despised this game. I could not stand the combat which is weird since when I played Bowsers Inside and I enjoyed that but this game drove me up the wall

Its very satisfying to complete puzzles and makes you feel smart for doing so.

I love this game so much that moment in the ifnal trail when everything dawns on you and music rises up was just chef's kiss

Half the cases were predictable, but it was still entertaining