has almost everything i'd want out of a metroidvania game. great boss fights, great music, fun exploration and items.

honestly the only thing missing for me is a stronger sense of atmosphere (à la the 2d metroids or momodora RUTM) but everything else in this game is so good that it more than makes up for that.

it's old and jank but in the charming way instead of the annoying way

i wish games still looked like goldsrc games

cool expansion
vortigores are scary as fuck

it's alright
worth experiencing if you love hl1, but it's definitely not as interesting as opposing force

ik this is kinda mundane but i thought the puzzle with the barrels and the coolant was cool

i definitely wanna upgrade my rig just so i could replay this game comfortably

feels like a dream game combining a bunch of elements from a couple of my favorite games of all time


solid game
definitely served as the foundation for something even greater
i wonder what that could be 🤔


cute little two player game
had fun playing through this with my girlfriend