My third favorite zelda game. This game and well as Skyward Sword are two of my comfort games that I can always go back to and replay and always have a good time. That says a lot as it's rare that I replay games these days. While the HD version has some issues such as the annoying stamps and Epona controls, this game is just so much fun to play and very memorable. Love Midna and this version of Link.

Very fun dlc that added a significant amount of playtime to the game. I wish aspects of the story were further expanded on, but the gameplay itself was a lot of fun. and the bike was a really cool bonus.

Despite playing every 2d Mario game that came before, this one seemed to just be missing something for me. I love all the new creative ideas, but the overall game is just not very memorable for me for some reason. I'm not quiet sure why this game didn't hit the mark for me.

The pixel artstyle is too disorienting for me (and also ugly), and I dislike the controls/1st person perpective. Just overall too slow for me.

Not sure why this game gets so much criticism retroactively. It was truly a magical experience in the same vain as Zelda BOTW. A truly memorable and enjoyable game. One of the best mario games of all time

This is a game I definitely need to replay. While I loved it at first with its unique artstyle and themes unlike anything else in the zelda franchise, I am just not that interested of the sidequests/collection aspect of the game. My last experience with the game was the 3ds version which unfortunately made some changes that were unfavorable. Need to replay the original to finalize my thoughts on the game as a whole

I enjoyed it but it was nothing too special overall. It was fun for what it was.

While it's objectively better than Botw in many ways, it fails to capture what made botw so special, while also not addressing many of the issues players including myself had of the game. Story was a huge disappointment with this game.

My least favorite 3d zelda game. But it's still a good game because all zelda games are good. Wind Waker just doesn't really connect with me, I don't really care for the sailing mechanics. I find it boring and would rather traverse the world by foot or by horse. I also think some of the dungeons in the game are very bare bones. The only interesting/memorable dungeons are the ones where you have a partner with you and all the mechanics related to that. Also the triforcr shard segment is brings the game down a lot too.

10/10. This was such a magical time when I played this in 2017. I had never played a game quiet like it. It still has so many good memories associated with botw.