This is one of those rare games I felt was completely perfect for what it was. The pacing alternates smoothly between the slow, melancholy exhaustion of depression to the adrenaline spike of desperate fighting for survival; it manages to deliver very effective creeping horror (which the art style is FANTASTIC at) as well as an honest, raw depiction of depression and suicide, and succeeded fantastically on both sides. This is a very Heavy story, but somehow it didn't feel depressing, to me - it's not sad for the sake of sad, or dark only for the shock value. It's Mitzi's gallows humor and her determination to use what's left of her cut-short life for what's still important to her, it's Susan's quiet strength in the face of tragedy and horror, it's the catharsis of facing that pain head on and feeling it, accepting it, and using it to claw your way back out of the grave to seek vengeance on your cat-killing neighbors. wait

my point is this game is really good and I understand how the tone and sometimes slower pace might not have worked for everyone, but I feel like it resonated a lot with me.

i know this game is supposed to be multiplayer chaos but i genuinely have had such a nice time listening to podcasts and cleaning blood for hours on end by myself. there's a very specific brain itch i have that this game is perfectly designed for

i really thought this game sounded perfect for me but in practice it's just an absolute slog to play. it's all waiting for things to unlock and waiting for quests to complete and waiting for energy to replenish and trying to grind for enough coins or diamonds or whatever to be able to do Anything At All and it just makes me sad. there's some cute character interactions but it just feels like work instead of a game 98% of the time

many fond memories of watching my dad play this when i was a kid which led to me doing weird alien chants at recess and nobody knowing What Was Wrong With Me

this game somehow made me feel like I was nostalgic for it even though the first time I played it was as an adult and I hadn't even heard of it as a kid. i dont know how to explain it any other way

this chapter is definitely where deltarune has really started to shine and stand on its own, I'm properly invested now, but also, I Have Absolutely No Idea What's Going On Even A Little Bit

this just. it could have been something. it could have been so good. there were some top tier character designs and concepts in here. there were some good twists and turns. and then it just all completely went to hell in the last act and ruined the whole thing. it makes me sad. it makes me sad and frustrated and i want to rewrite the entire last half of the game out of spite and disappointment. i want to pick kokichi up and carry him out of this story in my arms. my child now

they really just went completely off the rails here and i for one respect that

i mean it i would play like 87 of these games. same format same plot structure i dont care. give me all of them

all the charm and fun of the original finally comes back after a mostly-underwhelming sequel - i had genuinely such a great time playing this game i love you luigi

i played this game to DEATH as a kid. i was obsessed. every sound in this game is permanently embedded in my soul. luigi deserves everything in this world

this was THE game for my siblings and i. the one thing that always brought us together. i was luigi every single game. i will always be luigi. this is the way

this may not be a masterpiece but i had such a genuinely delightful time playing it and that's really all I ask

I think I spent more of my childhood in this game than any other. this world was so real and important to me. i think if i had to pick just one ultimate favorite game of all games, it would be this one