more gunk in this then i remember but i still think this is a really good game. it's like cyberpunk but better

the new xbox lets you suspend a game and pick it back up whenever so every now and then i'll boot this up and do a couple of towers and an investigation and then play something else for another week or so. insanely weird game that i love even though it's actually kinda terrible. making a game set during the third crusade is already just so different and out there and the layer the animus adds on everything is so nuts. the present day stuff only exists so that every single system in the game is completely diegetic, which is probably why every entry after this one immediately started spinning out and crashing with the desmond shit. i can't think of many other games that lay themselves out like this one. it isn't actually good but i think it's very cute.

won the game. the game is hilarious in so many ways that don't even involve the fact that you can get travis scott to do a bts dance. they put animals in the game and they have a weird pseudo ecosystem like monster hunter world. you can plant trees that persist between matches. there's an among us mode where you'll be matched up with the most guileless 12 year olds you'll ever meet.


around when this game launched the level editor had a bug that would wipe your entire save randomly. i emailed the devs about it and they sent me some pins and stickers and shit as an apology so theyre pretty much the nicest best video game developers i know. outside that i really like the game. amazing music and i adore the whole visual package this thing offers.

played through leon a on conputer like a year ago and did claire a and half of leon b on xbox this time. wow! the re engine is literally black magic for being able to look this good and run at 60+ fps on the box. im so excited for it to turn into the next mt framework where by the end of the ps6 generation every time i see a game made with it i want to puke and cry. exoprimal is the start of this process and it will end with lost planet 4.

bad techland. a foul omen when you first boot the game up and they reference Who Do You Voodoo Bitch from legendarily awful game dead island. much ado in the marketing about the Factional Systems and how they would effect the Storytelling and Map in this game but it seems to have come at the cost of the actually solid straight gameplay systems that the first game cultivated. and then the story fucking sucks!! it's just as bad as the first one and there's so much more of it! there's more to do on a purely technical level but it's all dispersed randomly across the map and it feels useless. the only mildly interesting idea this game has is the darkness timer that still feels wasted by not being tied into any core gameplay loops. it's like if you had volatile stealth from dying light 1 but only in certain building interiors and nowhere else. and now there's gonna be a fucking layers of fear 3. what is happening in poland right now????

thank you to my two best friends in the entire world for playing through all of mission one and two with me so we could see for ourselves what is truly out there.

mostly a game of unrealized potential. the first half of the guest house opening is so strong but almost as soon as you leave the area the demo covered it stops being scary. unfortunate. i like the idea behind the item placement and pseudo random boxes peppered around to supplement the player but the level design doesn't feel strong enough to really support the concept. rooms are small and simple enough that you're rarely ever actually uncertain whether you've cleared an area. i totally forgot how exceptionally braindead the entire story was but it's funny honestly. the whole conversation with the cop lol

i make a lot of shitty mods for bad games for one specific friend i have for no reason other then i think it's really funny. i think i'm super hilarious. video games are the only thing i ever think about and so obviously i have aspirations for designing one someday, creating these mods is a good way for me to indulge in that impulse while also not letting me fool myself into putting "makes games sometimes" in my twitter bio. one time i made a house party (2017) mod that had a ton of bespoke, branching paths with unique endings based on really minute player actions and decisions. when i watched my friend play i was in agony seeing how often he had to restart the entire run because it was just impossible to create convenient save points where he could quickly branch the story to a new ending. i think who's lila suffers from this same problem most of it's playtime. you'll end up in the interrogation room for what feels like 2/3s of the endings but the path to getting there has to be meticulously played out ever so slightly differently each time. each time you finish a story you feel like you're building up to a conclusion that ultimately never arrives.
i've never played another game (or read a story or watched a movie for that matter) that parlays this kind of an anticlimax into the main themes in a really elegant way. it's not a particularly revelatory experience, and the whole Deal with the story is kinda obvious and slightly overdone in general. but it wraps itself up nice and feels like it said what it wanted to say and got out. my biggest beef with the whole package is the obsession with working in 'Lynchian' imagery and items for no reason other then this guy probably likes lost highway too much. it's good and normal to draw on your inspirations but at a certain point it dilutes the actual author's voice and style. and i'm just super sick of david lynch i have to be real. he made like one movie that i can fuck with and everything else is just so over referenced and uninteresting.

i love playing through mass effect again and making the exact same decisions as i always do. the real trick of the series is you'll be going along laughing at every single line of dialogue and suddenly you hit ilos and the menu theme starts playing and you're instantly in tears. maybe that's a symptom of my brain problems more then anything. the asset and layout reuse is egregious at almost all times but it never grates in the ways it can in other titles. a sprightly and quick game that's probably the best introduction to a world that i've seen across any medium. still ultimate kuso though lol

it's so fucking good lol. this is the only game to earn the title of Western Excellence. a game of setups with no payoffs but that only serves to strengthen the experience. every choice feels appropriately weighty and distinct without knowing that only like 3 decisions actually matter in me3. the whole game feels so meticulously put together. a beautiful structure for a title that is essentially one long training arc. i'm honestly even fine with the reaper baby because it's just funny. dead space does the same thing and it's so bland and uninspired but with me2 all i can think is "so true bestie 💋" while fighting him. killer soundtrack too. there's like 5 nightclubs across the entire universe and they're all sick

adore this game. not actually anything that special in the level design department especially for a zelda rip but it's just so cute. i love peyj my pig uncle. I love taking pictures of every creature and person and making sure peyj is in all those pictures too. a testament to how presentation can overcome mid game design. this is my shantae.

neon white posited itself as a game By Freaks For Freaks in much of its marketing. not to take away from how excellent that game is but it's published by annapurna for gods sake. flywrench is actually the ultimate freak flag game. you really have to be of a certain mind to get the most out of how this game works. the soundtrack is so killer it's unbelievable how many artists they got to contribute bangers to this thing. both nidhogg and flywrench are the only games I can think of that go for this really distinct simplistic style and absolutely nail it.
flywrench is an unlockable character in super meat boy and messhof also made nidhogg but still no one's ever even heard of this game. what the fuck!!