Beautiful aesthetics everywhere in this game. But getting some of the red star rings was annoying and took a while, as well as getting S rank in a few levels.
I still don't understand what the fuck causes the sleeping wisps or why activating the power doesn't work and they just fly out of Sonic sometimes.

God damn, this is a good ass game.
If only Ubisoft actually released the UbiArt engine like they said they would.

Beautifully made and I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass it could even be making something this ambitious. The ancestors of cartooning would be in tears probably by how meticulous the development was with all the techniques and other fancy junk used in the early 20s and 30s.

This game is hard as shit though, with all the bullet hell shenanigans and trying to find that button control mapping helps a lot, it's not even a frustrating kind of hard- unless you're going for a perfectionist playthrough. It's a fun and challenging type of hard.

Top notch voice acting, ten out of ten.

This game is really fuckin' fun though, it's a lot more stricter on the errors unlike TToTD: Overkill, but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable. The dated graphics make up for a lot of its charm too. Common 90s-2000s Sega W game.

Try beating this game on the hardest difficulty using only one credit, that shit is hard as balls, and gets dependent on the RNG you get to type words. It took me like fuckin' ten tries to do that.

It was somewhat decent from start to finish, Kersti's character was annoying with little development throughout the entire journey. The constant backtracking to solve puzzles to progress and stuff isn't fun, and facing the final battle sequence without the right stickers just makes it impossible and badly designed, but it's fun when you actually DO get the right shit to be passable.

They made a lot of QoL improvements to this one, the time slowing power-up, the margin of one error before resetting the multiplier, collectables. That's nice and it still feels good just typing the random shit on screen as fast and shooting the mutants down.

The atmosphere being more dark and at night compared to the original TToTD was a little meh, it made it hard to see somethings- but I guess it fit the more modern takes on zombie apocalypses. The detective is my favorite character a lot of the time, he does just keep saying fuck as part of his character, but sometimes he does say it on comedically timed moments.
The levels with the girls are alright too, their motive isn't great, but they were still fun.

Also no way they made Chrischan an actual character in this game!!!!!!!!

It's a cool and neat game, a lot of eh moments. Having to replay the game three times, just in different ways, was kind of a hassle. I remember my first time playing the Genocide route I got stuck at the part before Mettaton EX, and found out the game "softlocked" into not spawning the last enemy I needed to kill before moving or else I would've gone through a neutral route again. So I had to restart my genocide run all the way to the beginning after those hours spent already getting before Mettaton EX.

It's a good game though, just something I would play only once

I'm good at the game, so I'm kinda obligated to say this game is good.
Still DLC to win.

World of Light was mid though, a majority of the battles in the story were not fun, and to be honest the most fun and intense battles were just the bosses. The lack of cutscenes make the "Movies" menu kind of pointless or redundant too, since there's only like 5 of them


Oh yeah also FUCK the scissors boss, I hate that fucker

It's a nice spin-off, the player's dialog and interactions are funny.
The art is nice and the backgrounds are too, because some dude from newgrounds made a lot of the art, i'm pretty sure.
It's decent

This would have been another perfect game, but they revealed some shit in the end that just ruined the character immediately.

Music is nice, style is nice, fluid controls and difficult side levels are awesome, but that shit makes me dislike the game a little

Now THIS game. Holy shit. THIS game was like the true baseplate of what would be the LINE/Kakao Cookie Run.

The "hook" ability was removed in this one from the first Ovenbreak and never brought back, which sucks and definitely had potential.

Also the entire run in this game was always randomized, whereas the LINE/Kakao Cookie Run was always a set map which made it more memory and not readiness. So plus on OB 2 for being more like a randomized endless side-scrolling runner. The characters had their own special passive ability that probably changed in the course between this game and LINE/Kakao CR, and they had "Ginger" in their name which was funny to see what they came up with to correlate with their character, now they just named them what they are followed by "Cookie".

Good game from the deep memories only the real ones know. Unfortunately this game was like very short-lived and didn't even last like two years or some shit.
One more thing that's funny, this game actually had a cutscene that would play at the start of every run with an audio file playing; and when they made the LINE/Kakao Cookie Run, they removed the cutscene with an image of the oven and your cookie inside of it with their quote, but they never removed the audio file that plays with the removed cutscene, lmao

It's fun, granted it runs half decent on switch hardware. But nevermind that, it's somewhat faithful to the original and made some questionable changes but I guess it's fine to not scare off newer players.

The power pellet power up now just feels a little slow and clunky because PAC-MAN just turns big instead of just glowy, and all the risk with eating ghosts is removed since they covered holes that you would otherwise fall in with the power pellet power up, which is a little redundant in some areas since you're too big to even fall in them.
And the flutter barely helps, I hardly used it.

Also they changed the cutscenes and the way they play out from the original entirely which is- eh.

Imagine raising three times less the money Yooka-Laylee had and STILL being better than that game LOL.

This game is so fun that fucking around with the physics and shit is fun. Music is badass in the right places, the bosses are all funny and weird, sometimes a little too simple. Achievements were fun to complete and do, I was just a little confused about the Windmill Peak area being only free roam and leaving me clueless where to go.

Amazing game though, I like this game a lot.