If you ever wanted Night in the Woods to be more like Animal Crossing... Well, this is it. Around 2 hours long and an overall wholesome experience. Certainly needed this right now.


Polar opposite of Doom, Eliza is a visual novel about an AI therapist. The subjects covered in this game are a lot to digest so I would rather urge you to play it than try and discuss them in such a small space. P.S. There are real Eliza apps and that's horrifying


Previously on this list I played Doom 1993 for the first time and it's absurd that Doom 2016 broke any sort of mold by... using 23 year old game design, but better graphics. Which isn't a bad thing, but there being 12 years between entries probably helps. Wasn't a fan of every encounter being locked in so you have to kill everything first. That's not very Doom.


I'm gonna give two arcade games I finished on the same night the same review. This style of beat-em-up is trashy as all hell and not fun to play unless you do it in multiplayer, which 95% of the time I don't have access to.

I'm gonna give two arcade games I finished on the same night the same review. This style of beat-em-up is trashy as all hell and not fun to play unless you do it in multiplayer, which 95% of the time I don't have access to.

I played a ton of this 19 years ago and it was a real challenge to get it working on Windows 10. Only played through 1 of the 4 campaigns but that's enough. In my recent return to RTSes, I find I'd like to lean heavier on city building than combat.

More puzzles and better set pieces. Spent a chunk of time yelling "How did you even get here?!" Do you ever think about how Arkham Asylum came out and everyone just copied the combat system and not any of the things that made it good?

I haven't played a Pokemon game properly since the Gold remake 10 years ago, and Shield didn't make me regret that. It was as devoid of innovation and change as I expected, perhaps even more so. But it's still Pokemon, for better or worse.

I would've preferred more puzzles over more shooting to be honest. Can we talk about how annoying it is to die from being shot while you're stuck in a melee sequence?

Learn some maths. Befriend a dragon. Go to mars. Become president of bug society. Sell government issued pornography. Learn some more maths. The real Frog Fractions were the friends we made along the way.

It was dumb and weird and legitimately has the best acting performances in a video game. Mads brought his A game to that absurd script. The real Death Stranding was the friends we made along the way, none of whom gave you likes for your highway.

Into the inevitable heat death of the universe, traveller, and the endless possibilities within.

I thought long and hard about how to talk about this game in one tweet. I've come to the conclusion that it's a decent enough thrill ride and je recommend, but whatever message it has is stunted by the need to seek out limited choices to continue the story.

This expansion has the same amount of content as the base game, so let's consider it standalone. Yeah, it's great. A fantastic final battle and I'm still not truly finished all these years later.

When Destiny 2 went free-to-play so I freely played through the base campaign. Great soundtrack. Pretty colours. Being an FPS I continue to ponder the futility of all the death I leave in my wake.

I never continued this game after that. I recall that base campaign getting good reviews, but honestly it sucked. You spend most of the game getting the Crew back together, the Crew you're not part of and will make you do the hard work for them. The villain was a waste.