I bought a New 3DS for this... but I finished it on Switch! For a world so huge, the story is incredibly focused. Combat system has its charms, but I detest how spongy every enemy is. The game is definitely made artificially longer by them.

A cyberpunk detective game by Kotaro Uchikoshi, a writer who uses alternate timelines to great effect and in only the way a video game can. Horny, upsetting and sometimes wholesome, I'll be surprised if I play a better game this year.

I wrote this in January 2021, and I stand by it.

Uhh. The game broke and I can't finish, but I put 40 hours in so let's say something anyway. It's uncomfortable 2004 edgy teen cringe. Good fun to play, though sometimes I wonder if I'm giving it more credit than it deserves.

A few years later I went back and started up Nosferatu and Malkavian runs and the wild difference with how I had to play all three was... pretty good. Good game to experience the first chunk as different vampire types at least.

Nosferatu are objectively the best though.

Getting one more in before the year ends, and wouldn't you know, it's about a plague. I don't think I've had a classic style point and click adventure on this list before, but a game from Wadjet Eye is fitting, I would think. Look them up.

You tell me you're gonna make a SotN style Castlevania game because Konami refuse to, and I'll probably play it. Also have a great time doing so. Cool they keep adding free updates, but it made me wait a long time to play.

RE4 holds up. It's an incredibly rare example of a game that has barely aged over the last 15 years, since a lot of its mechanics remain standard today. It also looks really damn good. Very hard opening to set the standard, but it never gets harder.

This game tore me apart and pieced me back together. It’s about the human condition, coming to terms with death, being a video game character. I await the second campaign and really hope all the bugs get fixed by then. Crashed like 20 times. Worth it though

A TellTale style adventure game about a Canadian and a German in World War 1, and their intertwined destinies. Designed to look like an impressionist painting at all times, which really softened the grim sections.

A collection of 9 games, 4 of which are mini games, the other 5 grow increasingly larger, more ambitious and alter mechanics drastically with each entry. I never expected a Kirby game to be so ridiculously hard! Good fun, all in all.

Where do I start with this? I don't want to give this game a video, but I'll need to talk about it in one to truly convey how absolutely dull it is. It says a LOT that I couldn't find a complete walkthrough for a 5 year old game.

Now that I know how this game works, it's time to go back to CK2 until 3 is a much bigger game. Highlight: My almost perfect heir was a serial killer and I lost everything because I decided he should be executed for his crimes.

A frankly all too short game(or interactive comic, even) about a doomed relationship and the emotional toll therein. There's a lot of clever little touches to the presentation, with even interactive shapes subtly reflecting the tone of the scene.

Tetris is pretty hard, and much harder when the speed is determined by the flow of music. I did my best, but I had to bump down the difficulty for the last two levels. A great ride though, and a good way for me to begin the new console generation.

I was a lot less free-form for this compared to the first. Followed the story missions and only once did I end up popping a target from a distance. This series is totally unfit for my one-and-done philosophy, but it's still good fun to get through.

Another gacha game. I like Fate, it's trashy as hell but super entertaining, but this game sucks. Plays bad, feels bad and I can't even idle in it. I only fought to the end just to read it as a VN. At least it had a Giant Robo reference in it.