there's no other VR games like it...... I sorta regret buying my headset...

a really really fun 2D platformer

honestly my favorite mainline pokemone game that I've played..... sorry guys....

I really liked this game at first but the later levels just get too far from the original vision and fun of the game.

a video essay told me to play this game but it didn't really resonate with me.

It's pretty fun to mindlessly mess around in while talking to people online or watching a video or something....
my save data got deleted tho.... ; - ;

Regardless of the drama surrounding this game, i thought it was a nice way to revisit Mario galaxy and 64, and play sunshine for the first time.

The amount of personality and charm in this level builder should be commended.

idk guys..... I just sorta got bored. I might come back at some point.

A super great game, I loved as a kid and still appreciate immensely now for its inventive gameplay like no other. However, it is admittedly lacking in content and gets repetitive pretty quickly.

A really good expansion to the original!

SUPER GOOD! I've been playing and it holds up really well...... mostly well.
There are some QoL features from New Horizons that I miss greatly.

i really was a dumbass kid for liking this boring shit