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ellaguro reviewed The Witness
a worthwhile puzzle game with a lot of neat ideas and challenges that also is dampened a bit by both its very limited creative palette and also the largely uninteresting and kind of obnoxious 101 "makes you think" ideological musings of its creator.

check out my old review in the New Inquiry back from when the game came out:

6 days ago

ellaguro completed Lunistice

10 days ago

10 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
to me this game is more than a bit overrated having played it somewhat recently. i did really love the enemy design and sort of grandiose baroque weirdness to the details of the world. i wasn't ever particularly enthused by the design of the map compared to most Metroid games even if there are some fun moments. and i really, really hate the stupid inverted castle - it's absolutely not necessary and kind of breaks what is good about the game in the first place. it probably would've helped to not have people constantly talk up this game over the years but i left feeling more than a little disappointed compared to what i expected.

10 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Trackmania
yet another great game in the Trackmania series that is severely hampered by Ubisoft's various shitty harebrained monetization schemes and seeming inability to recognize what its good about this series

11 days ago

ellaguro completed Trackmania

11 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein 3D is the videogame of all time. it contains all facets of videogames. it's a fast and stupid game that is also really weird and cryptic. every episode feels like it was designed with a completely different sensibility. it's unclear whether it's going for realism, horror, or cartoony comic absurdity half the time. that tonal confusion makes it feel totally like a product of time and place that could not exist anywhere else. none of the clones of this game (even Blake Stone, which i like) ever felt anywhere near the same to me. it's just an inspired, inspiring mess.

12 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Thief: The Dark Project
one of the low key best games of all-time. just an unparalleled sense of atmosphere, and the levels strike a great balance between being immersive and realistic-feeling but relatively simple and approachable in a way that i don't even think has been exactly replicated. and then even with a tight and unique mechanics the missions go places you just don't anticipate at all. it really feels like an adventure where you don't know where you're going to go next. the sequel might have (arguably) improved some of the mechanics but doesn't have as much of that mystery. the only real flaw is it peters out a bit at the end - some of those ending missions feel rushed and don't quite work. but that is not unusual for PC games of that era.

(i'm reviewing this version because i think Song of the Caverns was the only essential added mission for Thief Gold, but consider it the same rating for both)

12 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
i really love this game. it just has a great sense of mystery in a lot of the levels with all the various secrets and hidden treasures and it features some of the best sound design in a platformer. some of those boss levels just feel really consequential - i always liked the last several castle levels especially. it's more conventionally designed in some ways than the Wario Lands that followed but i always felt like it had a better sense of atmosphere that reflected the character of Wario better and less of a loosey goosey sense of arbitrariness some of the later games could have at times.

12 days ago

ellaguro reviewed Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
a romhack hard version of the original game with a few extra features. i like the concept of evil mushrooms that hurt you. some of the stages can be a fun challenge if you enjoy the original SMB style, but this is a case where we absolutely unequivocally got the better Super Mario 2 in the west.

12 days ago

ellaguro completed Gorogoa

12 days ago

ellaguro completed Quake

14 days ago

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