It's a decent game but I refuse to play it anymore because of gacha.

It's weird as hell but I love it.

I got every achievement in this game only because there are so few, and because I hate myself.

Interesting concept but poor execution. The plot twist is bad.

Played through almost the entire game in one sitting, then I got to the final boss, realized I didn't have the SMG's or any healing items and nope'd the fuck out.

The only song I play is Rolling Girl send help

The ending is kind of anti-climactic no matter which one you choose, but you can ride elephants so it evens out.

What else is there to say about this game that hasn't been said already?

Slow as hell loading screens and an embarrassing amount of bugs make this the one Sonic game I'll probably never play again. The music is decent at least.

Great campaign with an emotional gut-punch that I still feel to this day. Along with multiplayer and two great co-op modes, this should be the gold standard for triple-A games.

Pretty unremarkable recap from the second half of S2 to the first half of S3. Missions are pretty lazily built, such as three back-to-back stages where you fight Stain as Deku, Iida and Shoto individually, then a fourth stage where you fight Stain with all three characters. Online is garbage, people will just spam the same move over and over and do not let up.

How to piss people off online:

Step 1: Play as Steve

Step 2: Play until you and the other player reach Sudden Death

Step 3: Once Sudden Death starts, immediately hit your side B so you hit your opponent with the minecart

Step 4: Enjoy your hard-earned victory

Played this with the Legacy pack which comes with all of the first game's content.

Incredibly stupid fun with a ton of replay value, letting you find no shortage of ways to complete objectives and kill targets however you want.

short, fun, murder-filled romp with you and your talking banana friend

Newgrounds games are allowed on here? Alrighty then.

The music? Tight. The character designs? Tight. Everything about this game is just tight, tight, TIGHT. I'm a complete shitter at rhythm games but with enough practice I was able to beat every song on Hard mode (god bless downscroll). Backed the Kickstarter and looking forward to what's coming in the full game.

Really solid and fun Metroidvania but holy shit the difficulty spikes are brutal and really drag it down for me.