38 Reviews liked by drought

This review was written before the game released

If you like Epic Movie, Scary Movie or Channel Awesome movies, this game is for you

Ethan Winters goes beast mode



This happened to my buddy Eric

Naughty Dog really did make the best platformer series on the PS1 and then did it again on the PS2. I hope this trend continues for the rest of the Jak series and for the PS3 and onwards.

KH 1 is slow and clunky, in just 3 years the combat was able to be improved dramatically. You feel so fast and light, yet still having power behind your attacks. Your party has also improved greatly from being a liability to competent support. This was mind blowing back in 2006 and still is to this day. I can probably write a much longer review, but I do think the combat change is the most important facet of this game.

dear god naka how much sega money could you possibly still need to funnel into your underground lair after 30 years

cool tracks wish the guy wasnt a huge weirdo

This review was written before the game released

despite pokemon lore you cannot have a romantic relationship with your male gardevoir

review score is what you get with 30 quartz

I finished Spec Ops: The Line a few hours ago and the game blew my mind. The story of the game was such a surprise and was extremely well written. The campaign was really short and only clocked in around 6 hours, but it was great. If you've read the book Heart of Darkness or watched the film Apocalypse Now (which you should) you may find this game very familiar with its plot, but has its own spin and obviously just take inspiration. I really don't want to spoil anything, but don't pass this off as a generic modern military shooter. It's more than that. The gameplay is honestly pretty mediocre and average. It's probably the weakest part of the game, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun sometimes. I'd highly recommend this game, but only get it when it's one sale. It's a short campaign with an amazing story. Also, stay FAR away from the multiplayer. 8/10.

I would risk it all for Billie Lurk