i would risk it all for julianna blake

metroid fusion but actually good

A wise man looks at the long twisting road to yomi and solemnly bows and accepts that the trek beyond his limits. Only a fool steps further than one step.


microsoft video game like entertainment product 2021

Anno for the young republicans club

what if we made a bad immersive sim and made it have the tone of a cboyardee video but nowhere near as funny

literally talk about any other video game you unfunny hacks

i forgot video games could be funny and now I know video games just aren't funny now

i forgot to write a review for this or log when i finished this and that should honestly tell you everything. yawn

the virgin irony poisoned watch dogs 2 hater vs the chad watch dogs 2 appreciator

fav boomer shooter. no modern revival has come close

Dogshit controls, game has 20 menus to get anything done and the UI is unhelpful

perfect don't change a thing this fucking whips

pure post 9/11 psychosis. brilliant