Perpetual Steam Game Giveaway Alumni

I wanted a way to show off all the nice reviews that giveaway participants wrote, so I figured a list would be a great way of doing so. I've provided links so you can go read them too. Feel free to shower them with likes and maybe give them a follow!

Here's a link to the giveaway if you somehow wound up here without hearing about that first. If you've written a review for the giveaway and it's not on this list, let me know in the comments so I can add it!

Games given away: 61
Reviews written: 23

The very first game requested in the giveaway!

whyfinn's profile

whyfinn's Sable review


25 days ago

I think Seven Sirens is definitely up there in terms of my best reviews.

24 days ago

This comment was deleted

24 days ago

For a kindness like this, that played-reviewed ratio is criminal!

22 days ago

Very honorable of you to do this Duhnuh

22 days ago

@zeusdeegoose: I definitely enjoyed reading it! Thought it was a great breakdown of the game

@yasarumit: Heh, people will get around to it eventually, I hope. At least they'll have to if they want another freebie

@RedBackloggd: Thanks! I hoped it would be a good way to thank participants. I may clean up the notes a little and add profile links once I'm done traveling

22 days ago

I'm taking a small break from platformers atm, but you can bet your ass the game you gave me will be the first one reviewed after!

18 days ago

Ooh, there’s a list now? I’ll have to get to Finding Paradise soon then…

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