Seemingly tries to be emotionally manipulative trash, but doesn't even do that good a job at it. Also features one of the worst handlings of a gnc character I can bring to mind. There's a reason all the memes of this series have nothing to do with this one.

The first game I've ever played that I would describe as 'insulting'

As a trans woman I am legally required to play this game once a year.

The difficulty curve, character progression systems, and ESPECIALLY the narrative are just all out of wack. You'll find yourself lacking a reason to continue after disc 1. Music is nice though.


Combat is a bit simple, but the memorable characters, beautiful world, and heartful narrative make NieR a nearly untouchable experience.


ID revitalizes the genre they invented with cutting edge tech, pulse pounding action, and an oppressive sci-fi horror atmosphere. This game has a Zeebo port?

The campaign is mostly solid, gunplay and structure is adequate, although it's a weird change in direction in aesthetic and themes for the series. I like the dynamic between Cortana and the Chief, and their story is what really steals the show in my opinion. Everything else feels like a step back from Halo Reach.

The series takes a more straightforward direction in this entry, but still delivers on it's thought provoking narrative and high concept thrills. The classic Kojipro attention to detail is the cherry on top.

While Assassin's Creed II was a huge step forward for open world titles (for better or worse), this one feels like a half baked expansion pack.

A standout shooter among its peers. Nazi shooting goodness with exciting design and a solid narrative.

Everything you liked about the first game. Music, style, fast paced brutality, albeit with a less compelling plot that I found harder to follow.

Clunky in the early hours, but overall a fantastic entry into Squaresoft canon. Full of heart, stellar cinematic presentation, nails the Disney crossover, and has some truly unmatched level design for a 3D action JRPG

Fun, clever, engaging, and memorable. Possibly the best Mario RPG.

A bit of an odd direction for the series gameplay wise, but still chock full of all the wacky wario goodness you know and love.

One of the cheapest feeling, worst balanced multiplayer experiences I have ever put myself through.