Not as content heavy as other roguelikes but whatever content it had was executed very nicely

Not a bad game but nothing too special either

I just remember really enjoying this as a kid

This game used to scare the fuck outta me

Played this periodically with months long breaks because the game bored me after a week at most

Although the gameplay is deserving of 3.5 or even 4 stars, the monetization and greed of Blizzard leaves me disappointed.

Another banger in the MGS series.

The game had serious potential but they ruined their initial hype with false promises and a lack of a proper ranked system.

Good game now make a crossplay mario kart.

I liked it, it has a good story and theres an enjoyable amount of interaction for a visual novel game.

I didn't think I'd like this as much as ended up liking it.

Starts off really strong but becomes a little less later; although still very enjoyable.

This and DOTA2 are kings of their respective genre, with an insane amount of detail and complexity it's the ultimate game for people with a large competitive drive. The community sucks but I don't really care.

Starts off really strong and becomes a little less interesting later on, although the story etc are really good still.