I had more fun playing with my Halo MegaBloks figures when I was 10 than I did playing this game

Resident Evil 4 with boner jokes

Once the honeymoon phase for me finally settled down for this game, it really is just one of the most "okay" Halo games that could come out. It's by no means bad, but it's also not really special, if anything it's more frustrating because this game has so many hallmarks that could make it a great game that could stand with the original Bungie titles, but every turn it could make it just falls flat. The gameplay itself is just okay, the multiplayer isn't all that enjoyable and the campaign, while having it's high bars again, doesn't really do anything new or feel special. It's the best game 343i has put out yet, but that's not a high bar at all.

Halo 3 is one of those games where you can just pick up, play it, and enjoy every second of it no matter what. One of those few games that exist that has literally nothing wrong with it.

Fixes almost every problem I have with 7. Some parts of the game are really slow and on replays I can see being a frustrating waste of time, but the overall gameplay and feeling is much much better.

Great modern adaptation of the original RE4. While I still think the original is better in a lot of aspects, this game still manages to stand on its own.

The second best third person shooter ever made.

This would be my absolute favorite Persona game if the gameplay wasn't the worst thing I've ever experienced in any rpg I've ever played.

Every single time I play this game, it's like I've played it for the first time, the combat loop in this game literally never gets old. Something I think everyone should play atleast once.

One of the most unique and fun games I've ever played. The mechanic of flying around the world never got boring to me, especially in part due to the incredible artstyle and music this game has. My only gripe is I do wish the combat was a bit better and that there were more side missions than challenge missions.

Probably one of the best immersive sims ever made next to the entire Deus Ex franchise.