Played the demo on Switch. It looked so promising but it just feels like a wannabe Persona 5 game that is terribly executed. The last straw for me was when I couldn't enter combat using the dpad on my Switch like the directions said to. I know there was no issue with my Switch because it's brand new and the dpad works in other games.

Played the demo on Switch and I mostly liked it. I wish there was more gameplay (there was tons of cutscenes but some cutscenes showing our character going out somewhere could have been a gameplay moment) and more exploration but I understand that it's a very linear game with a focus on story. The combat felt great and the characters felt real too. I plan to buy and play the full game when I get the chance.

This review contains spoilers

Pretty good game. It's great for people who like a focus of story in the game over game play. I kinda wished we could've had a longer game with more of a variety of demons to fight and even boss battles. I personally got tired of the repeated hide from demons and execute them when they're not looking game play. I also wish we could have possessed more animals to move around with and even people since we could never possess people to move around with except for Joy. I also wish, SPOILER, Rex had died and Julia had stayed alive to grieve Ronan kinda like in the original concept art of the game. And that Baxter would've helped us out more when he became a ghost. He could've become our partner for a few levels and it could've added to character growth in him and made him more likable. This critique isn't to put the game down, it's to just reflect on what I wish we could have had in the game since I love it so much. Overall, great game, needed more game play, less collecting stuff all game and more fighting and more character scenes so I could care more about the characters dying.

(Wrote this on Steam back in 2020)

Sucks I can't play it on my PS3. It's so overpriced online. Great game from what I've seen in letsplay vids. I love Hewie.

Loved this game! I played it on the Wii as a teen but never finished it because it was my friend's copy that she let me borrow for a week. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it one day. Nothing but great memories from this game.

I loved this game so much as a teen. Got it for free on origin because they gave it away for a certain amount of time. I got all the way to the dwarf kingdom part but had to stop because I messed up in not bringing along a specific follower needed to beat a certain boss. I sadly rage quit because I refused to restart the game. I really need to play it again now because I've forgotten so much of it but I will never forget falling in love with Alastair.

Amazing game that made my childhood. Sadly never finished it because my version bugged out on the PS3 during a big boss battle (got it on the store) so I ended up back to my last checkpoint which took away so much progress. It's a tough game, is stingy with checkpoints and saves but is overall still a gem in my eyes.

Best version of the sims imo. Had way too much fun in it. Yeah it has its flaws but it felt alive unlike the games that come after it (with the sims 3 as an exception because it was fun too)

A pretty mess. Love the graphics but that's it. It's grossly overpriced for what you get and you need mods to even make the game somewhat fun to play. The expansions barely help. Waste of my money and time. I barely play it now.

Best game in the franchise but I am biased and never played the others. This game was so fun to play and I have great memories of playing it on my iphone as a kid using an emulator app on the phone. Good times.

I think this is the version I played as a kid? Anyways, it was amazing and I loved N so much! The writing, gameplay, graphics, just everything about this game made it the best Pokemon game for me and I still feel that way as an adult now.

It's a good game but it's too long for a campaign for me. I lost interest when I became the Stag lord. Honestly that felt like the end of the campaign to me. I thought I'd like the ruling aspect of the game since I play games like Crusader Kings 2 and 3 that also have you build a country but in this game it just wasn't fun and I really can't explain why. This was my first experience into D&D since I have no friends irl who play the game (I'd only play D&D with friends if I played irl one day) and overall it was a great way of stepping my foot into D&D. I might finish the game one day but for now it'll be a nice little gem in my Steam library.

P.S. Another aspect of the game I found weak was characters. Some I didn't care for at all. I really liked Amiri the most but that's it. The others had potential to be great but were written kinda flat so when romance options started happening I didn't even want to romance anyone. I hadn't even spent enough time with the romance options to feel anything for them.

(I put 19.9hrs into the game on Steam before I quit)

The story and soundtrack really made this game for me. I felt like I was watching a movie the whole time and I cried throughout.

Now I get that the dialogue for Neil and Eva was supposed to be funny comedic relief and maybe they are funny to other players but to me it almost ruined the experience. I actually almost quit the game many times because of their unfunny dialogue. The characters themselves would be lovable to me if there was better balance with their comedy in this game.

Another issue I had was the game always telling me where to go with arrows and telling me how to walk every time a new scene ended. It was too hand holdy for me but that's a personal preference.

Otherwise this game is worth playing for the story and soundtrack alone. Definitely good for players who want a game that's light on puzzles and gameplay elements with a focus on story.

Played this back in 2019 and it was fun but gets repetitive, has too many bugs, unbalanced gameplay, the official forums are too dictatorship heavy and has a toxic community. Can be frustrating to play, especially with toxic players but is still fun with friends and if played in short bursts rather than playing every day, for example. Overall I still like the game but it needs a lot fixed.

Never played it but I watched tons of lets plays back when it was popular (I was a broke teen TTOTT) and it was so good I used a quote from the game in my high school yearbook photo.