The gameplay is fantastic and fun when you get used to it, the atmosphere created by the music and environment is really fitting and sinks you into the world. The story is very well-written and executed. My only major complaint is that the boss fights too often throw out utilizing the cool gameplay and mechanics in favor of using the new tool you just got which makes them feel incredibly lacking overall.

It's the modern inspiration for most new indie metroidvanias.

The only thing I wish was there were fewer of the annoying bosses to fight

The best platformer there is.

I think about this game every other day

Railcoining with the buttplug mod gotta be the best experience of my life

If this game had better content season cycles, it would be much better

I wish fighting the monsters in this game didn't feel like fighting a baby with a large weapon. Player strength way strong for the nerfed monsters and rampages SUCK.

I was not high enough to play this one

The monsters are better than base game and rampages are gone, but still has some problems from the base game

Gameplay didn't feel as good to me in this one as the first one after getting through 2 worlds, but I'd like to see it through some day.

I like when collision is turned on


The gameplay and boss fights are so incredibly fun, I logged enough attempts to get top 200 on the speedrun leaderboard. Furier also provides a very fun challenging difficulty