The story honestly makes this game what it is. Without it its a fairly average third person shooter. With it, it's one of the most interesting shooters I have ever played. Can't deny this game gets to be a slog to play as you near the end but the game makes it feel like thats kind of part of the point.

This game is long, difficult and can get boring at times. The problem with a game of this nature with one specific theming like this is its really hard to differentiate levels and areas. I often found myself confusing areas for areas earlier in the game due to this game having really samey theming. Its still a good game, just feels weaker overall if you are comparing to TR3.

A classic for a reason, but this version totally shows its age occasionally.

I wish I was good enough at this to beat the final 2 C sides and Farewell that I cannot beat. Love this game completely.

This is basically a dark souls with 1000000% more equipment which was tedious as hell to interact with. I got to the scorpion boss before deciding my time was better spent elsewhere, at least for now.

Man the collection of disney worlds left me with a bad taste in my mouth. An amazing endgame, confusing and tedious DLC and great super bosses help weigh this game out to a good for me.

As much as I liked this game it was really hard to not get lost in the sauce playing this, especially in the late half. Its also weird seeing how much of the design philosophy carried over from this game into Bayo 3. Still really fun just gets worse and worse as it goes and the side stuff is tedious and pointless.

This is the Final Fantasy game that started a lifelong obsession for me. Sure the game is fairly simple in comparison to what's come after and before this. Sure the story is a buncha nonsense at times. I still love it for what it is and what its meant for my life as a gamer.

overstayed its welcome just a touch for me and the friend I played with. Pretty good puzzler and I like how no one is working with 100% of the information.

This game is just a blast to play with friends. Its easy enough to pick up and play that you can make something happen even if traditional fighting games aren't really your speed. Eternally afraid of playing this game online, there are some real good people who play this game online. Also a real godsend that the DLC characters are free. I really hate picking up a game like this only to find out you have to shill out a whole other games worth of money to get the whole cast.

You kinda get whats on the tin on this one. Its DDLC with a little bit more lore thrown around. The extra episodes were cute and it was nice to get some slice of life time with these characters and see them fleshed out a bit more. I have to comment about how silly hard it was to get all the achievements due to the instructions for unlocking everything to get to 100% completion on the journal being unclear at best, which lead to HOURS of digging around to try to figure out what I was missing. Just be warned if you are looking to experience everything.

Probably one of (if not the single best) the best fighting games I've ever played. I'm trash garbo at it but it keeps sucking me back in. Love throwing out dolphins :)

The online mode was probably the best thing about this, but to be honest I hated how they tried to reinvent the wheel so bad that I couldn't stand actually playing the game for very long at all. I got this on a steep discount at $20 but i still feel like I got ripped off.

This should have never been separate from MGS5.

Card system is interesting and its neat what they were able to do with such a low powered system to bring KH to handhelds for the first time. Nothing super to write home about. Infinitely more playable IMO then the 3d remake.