i almost didnt do my chemistry final because i was finishing this game instead

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the end of the universe spent around a campfire

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aren't you excited? aren't you happy? you're going to be free.

so there's this genetic lifeform and disk operating system

that was genshin impact? that was just women having gay sex

ive started and restarted rhis game like 3 times and never finished it and only ONE of those was my fault. love you josephine

i don't like this game. ive seen it all the way through like 4 times

the fact this is a "comfort game" to me purely because i know exactly what im getting into every time i watch it. sickening

I remember wanting to see this game through for so longgg and then finally getting to do so and it was just...eh.

I played this with my dad and brother when i was like 10 so to me it's a perfect game. I miss it every day