One of the better Survival Horror games that isn't Resident Evil. This was such a great designed game. It was so enthralling to plan a route and terrifyingly sneak through the bunker to grab the item, then haul ass back to the safe room.

What I thought really stands out is the sound design and animations of the weapons and tools. They just felt and sounded so lovingly created. It was legit fun just to play with the animations like checking bullets in the revolver or cranking the flashlight.

Some negatives is the story is a bit of a disappointment. Not as involved as Amnesia 1 or 3. It felt like not as much of a priority in this game. I also thought the monster wore its welcome towards the end, but luckily this game isn't very long.

Overall just a really great entry in the Amnesia series. I'd love for them to expand upon this formula.

When I first played the original Dead Space a couple years ago I didn't really enjoy it that much.

What they've done with the remake has made me do a complete 180. It's just a really fun and addicting survival horror action game. (besides the very end area and boss kind of sucking)

This game is disturbingly addicting. Capcom have almost created a perfect action campaign. It very rarely drags and is paced arguably better than the original.

There are a couple parts in the very end that slow down a bit, but besides that it's almost perfectly crafted.

When I first played this game many years ago I honestly was left a bit disappointed. I just felt it was a bit too obtuse in certain aspects like the artifact collecting.

Fast forward to today replaying the game with this remaster and all of the problems I had previously seemingly just vanished. I had such a kickass time playing this game. I think I must have evolved as a gamer since I originally played it. Perhaps playing souls games really changed me. I appreciated the obtuse nature and wouldn't have it any other way! As soon as I beat it, I just wanted to go back and replay it.

This game opened my eyes to something greater that I never thought I could experienced with a video game before. It truly is groundbreaking. My enjoyment and appreciation of video games has evolved to an entire new level after experiencing this game. I'd straight up say my gaming life has two phases. Phase two began when I first played Dark Souls.

I just find it to be a monumentally important game.

Fun, addicting, and very charming little open world game.

First Gran Turismo and driving Sim I've played and came out really enjoying it. I say this as someone who knows little to nothing about cars.

There's something so chill and relaxing about playing through this games campaign. It weirdly reminded me of Picross 3D Round 2 for the 3DS in its presentation.

Graphically this game is just so aesthetically pleasing. It has such a clean look to it. It's just perfectly displayed without the usual blur or pixelation you see in some games nowadays.

Overall just a real pleasant experience.

- Gameplay bad to mediocre
- Graphics mediocre to kind of good?
- Story good to very good
- Soundtrack very good to amazing.
- End boss very unhinged to fucked up but also kind of amazing

Very basic, but addicting open world action/ stealth shooter.

Trying to collect all the spirits was such a simple but addicting part of this game. I felt like I was playing a 360 open world game like Crackdown.

The game really wore it's welcome. By the end I was ready for it to be over.

Overall a fun, but very simple open world FPS.

Very fun and intense survival horror action. The gameplay is extremely heavy and visceral. It just felt so exhilarating to fight through these mutant freaks!

It's also a technical achievement. One of the best looking games out on current gen consoles.

Some negatives - Reuse of boss fights is a bummer and enemies ganging up on you can feel unfair. Story is a very basic Resident Evil type affair. A stealth section later in the game is a low point.

Overall, I had a good time.

Sublime First Person Fast Paced Shooting and Platforming Action

Just a very pleasant to play love letter to survival horror games. I'm addicted to this genre. I'll play any half decent attempt at recreating Resident Evil and I'll be instantly hooked.

Really good story, presentation, and vibe.

Another aspect I really liked was the puzzles. They were very satisfying to solve. Very involved and also totally fair.

The gameplay however, felt a bit of clunky. I honestly found it worse than traditional Resident Evil combat. I just felt frustrated a lot of the time.

Great game overall. I'm just glad more survival horror indie games are popping up lately. Can never get enough.

First Pokemon game that held my interest long enough that I actually beat it.

This game was a good time for the most part. I didn't like how it was structured though. I would've liked it to be fully open. Having to go between loading zones was a bit of a bummer.

Also the gameplay started to wear out it's welcome by the end.

Easily my favorite Kirby game. You can tell they really wanted to evolve the formula with this one. The ability to just freely walk around the environment really pushed this into more than just another cute Kirby game.

Also, the ending was very good!