Really good visual style and the music also gets the vibe across.
The gameplay is REALLY addicting, just a hoy to control the main character and the twists to the core loop of figuring out the best path keep the game engaging enough for multiple playthroughs.
Not a lot of story but what's there is splendidly done. A lot of indie games have the problem where the story takes itself too seriously with themes completely detached from what you are actually doing but katana zero lets you participate in it to a greater extent so it doesn't feel forced.
Really short game too doesn't feel bloated.

An improvement on the first in terms of progression and character customization and dungeon design(very few invisible paths compared to the first).
However combat feels far too easy with two players and doesn't really do much more than the first.
Also barely any new music.
Generally enjoyed this less than the first.

Honestly I kinda liked how different it felt compared to any mario game before it.
Each worl and level had its own unique idea and they were repeated just enough to be memorable.
Only problems I found were that the special world levels varied greatly in difficulty with most being easy and some being basically kaizo
and the grind for standees is too much.

Its a decent little 3d platformer.
Lifts all its mechanics from the original game so no real surprises.
The easter eggs to other 3d platformers were neat(especially choosing to have music for the special stages be acapella).
Unlike celese some of the special stages just felt cheap.

Expands immensely on the first game and also doesn't really "punish" you for choosing the wrong path.
Visual design is superb, somehow surpasses the pixel art aesthetic of the first.
All the endings feel fulfilling.

Almost barely escaped the bad ending.
I like that the game doesn't rely on jumpscares and instead basically lays out all the thoughts of the main character for us to make our judgement on.

It looks like the type of game that is excessively grindy but its a pretty smooth journey all the way through.
Would recommend, its a cozy time.

Puzzles were amazing, like franchise best amazing.
Also love how the presentation screams adventure game on the game boy, complete with long item trade quests.
Have yet to try the linked game feature but on its own its good.

This is definitely the most unhinged mario game not counting wonder and hotel mario.
You go to the most random places like a giant house, or inside another mario.
Final level sucks so hard.

Its so good.
It is janky even for a 90s RPG, I probably lost like 3 hours sorting inventory, storing items and buying stuff.
But dammit its got so much charm, the jokes always made me laugh, the visuals are nice, the music takes some liberties.
Just play it.

Beat it on a whim on NSO.
Its okay.

Kinda wasted on apple arcade.
Game is really good, reminds me of the adventure era stuff with the multiple varied objectives, many playable characters and levels having multiple paths like SA1.
Unplayable without a controller.

All that I can remember about this game is that
-Music was great
-Visuals were good at times and uninspired at other points.
-Not that compelling of a gameplay hook. Little reason to come back once you beat it.
-Doesn't do much interesting stuff.

A cute little game about a turnip doing god's true wish.
Some of those bosses were too hard considering the tools at your disposal (especially the reindeer).

I love the story and how it progresses. You slowly gain a lot of companions but also start losing them until the empty ship just kinda brings you to tears.
Gameplay is all over the place. Platforming is never really a focus aside from brief instances. The Resource management aspect of the game is good but gets repetitive in the endgame.
The biggest drawback is the amount of downtime on the ship. Obviously they expect you to multitask to fill in that time but by near the end when you're stuck doing specific things its noticeable.