It's been a month since I beat Rise of the Ronin. I really wanted to like this game more but unfortunately after the first 10 hours of gameplay, it simply fell off. At first I was loving the combat, the open world aspects, Sakamoto Ryoma and the fact that it is set during the Bakumatsu but at some point I found myself running through the main story just to beat it.

I was very excited for the combat since you'd only fight Humanoid enemies, which are typically the best encounters in FromSoftware titles and Soulslikes in my opinion. There's a decent amount of variety with the weapons and each weapon-type has access to 3 slots of "stances" that you can customize, and will act as a rock-paper-scissor system against enemies. Meaning you get different playstyles and they'll either be effective or not effective depending on who you fight. Counterspark/Parrying is an alright mechanic but it isn't as clean as Sekiro, Stellar Blade or even Lies of P, it's kind of weird how it can also serve as an attack except it's just bad when it is used like that.

When you're only fighting Humanoid enemies and bosses, if you're not introducing new and interesting movesets/patterns that are hard to deal with but instead just throw in another enemy, it removes all the fun from actually struggling and learning how to read your opponent. There is maybe one fight that actually skill checks you and it is in early game, after that all the fights that are annoying are the gank fights. I only used the support characters to help me clear the levels but I removed them as soon as I got to the boss encounters. Anyhow this game made me learn to actually appreciate beast/monster-type enemies, you know the big ones that really mess with your camera LOL. The reason why is because when you finally get to those Humanoid bosses, it feels good to fight them since all you've been fighting prior are those big monsters where you have no vision because they take up the whole screen and half of the fight is versus your camera. This is not the case here, like I said earlier you just fight humans who doesn't necessarily get stronger, you just fight an extra person or two and that doesn't make it more fun. I wanted clean one versus one swordfight battles where I have to figure out how to parry their onslaught attacks and have them beat my ass over and over again until I finally pick up on it, and each encounter should've been unique. I don't really have a favorite fight because it all just felt the same.

At this point I don't recall much from the story but the setting is cool and there were a few characters I enjoyed like Sakamoto Ryoma, Kaishu Katsu and Kogoro Katsura. It would've been nice if the MC actually talked more because they do talk BUT most of the time, they're just silent so it makes you feel disconnected.

When I first stepped into Yokohama, I was really excited to explore everything because the map was huge and there was a lot to do. I actually thought that the entire game would take place here but then I learned that there were more maps just as big and that's when I gave up on exploring and only pushed the story. It makes sense that it isn't the only area because of Kyoto and Edo but still, I wasn't willing to go through the Ubisoft loop multiple times.

Rise of the Ronin is a decent experience, however I wouldn't recommend grabbing it for full price. For the most part it has unimpressive graphics especially for a PS5 exclusive title with the frame rate dropping constantly on Performance Mode however I heard there was a patch that helped but I can't confirm because I beat the game before that went live. It does somewhat scratch that Sekiro itch but it is definitely not up there, hell I don't even think this game is that much better than Team Ninja's previous game Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Had a lot of fun with Stellar Blade and I'm currently going through NG+ for the plat. The game has very clear strengths as well as weaknesses. Overall though I'm pretty surprised by how well made it is.

It goes without saying that the most fun part about Stellar Blade is its combat and while it falls short to something like Sekiro, it is still damn good. You get sick ass moves with Combo Attacks, Beta and Burst skills that will not only make you look cool but also do hella damage. Some of these can even cancel out annoying moves or strings, really useful against bosses. The defensive options like Perfect Parrying and Dodging feel very nice too even though I suck at dodging the yellow attacks. You also get access to follow-up attacks when you land these, making it even more satisfying. Also having a dash that basically teleports you to the enemy is convenient if you wanna close the gap and be aggressive.

The Naytiba's have great looking designs and there's a hefty amount of them so you never really get bored fighting these enemies. Boss fights are solid and I'm glad they were because I got hooked on the demo, fighting the Boss Challenge over and over again. Unfortunately didn't get a no damage run but the Stalker fight gave me hope for what's to come and majority of the bosses in the full game actually did deliver.

Paired with an exceptional soundtrack that could very well be the best one this year, it is a fire recipe they have here. Not a single bad track in the entire game and the list has a ton of range too, keeping it refreshing. It also made exploring so much more enjoyable especially since I was doing all the side content.

Oh yeah, the graphics are good.

And I almost forgot to mention but there wasn't enough sword surfing.. sad!

Now this is where it gets bad because while I really liked doing the side stuff, there are so many things that just drag down the experience. First of all, the fast travel and map. Why is it so annoying to get from Point A to Point B? There's just too many steps and when you have to backtrack constantly like it's a metroidvania or something but then you're also met with multiple loading screens, it's just terrible. You can't fast travel to every camp nor can you open the map and look at a different location, not to mention you only have an actual map for only half of the locations. Another thing I noticed when exploring is that there are lots of spots where it looks like you can make a jump or a climb but you literally can not. Is it designed this way to piss off the player? I don't know.

I haven't gotten to the story and characters yet but simply put, it is bland. The main trio of EVE, Adam and Lily have no synergy at all. I simply didn't care for any of them, or the rest of the cast but I guess at least Lily has some personality. EVE just has cool outfits and a ponytail so long it reaches her heel, so swag!

Despite all of that, majority of my time spent with Stellar Blade was fun and that's what matters the most in my humble opinion. Looking forward to the DLC with the Boss Rush mode so I can attempt some no damage runs. Anyways I'm giving it a 7.5/10.

I started this game 4 years ago when I first started getting back into playing single player games. My friend and I were playing it simultaneously, we got about 5 hours in and then we never continued it even though we both enjoyed it at the time. Fast forward to March 1, 2024 when the legend Akira Toriyama passed away, the sole reason I got into anime which eventually led to JRPG's. After the news I felt like I had to experience this game rather sooner than later so I hopped in the stu and started it from the beginning.

Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece that still holds up to this day. I can't believe that something of this caliber came out two months before I was even born, just crazy to think about lol. There's so many awesome details whether it be related to the story, the lovely sprites or even the gameplay itself. Obviously with a story about time traveling, things will be different in the future if you change the past but I love the way it's utilized here. It is best showcased during everyone's side quests during The Fated Hour, in my opinion. Minor spoiler and this is just an example but there is a certain part where you're trying to get an item but this person won't give it to you. So you go into the past and give their ancestor something they wanted for free, they in return won't forget about our good deed and then teach their children all about kindness. We now go back into the future, now this person with the item is very kind and gives it to us instead. So freaking cool and this was a pretty minor event from a damn side quest.

My favorite part about the game was the combat and by that I mean figuring out each and every boss. These encounters were all so different, with unique mechanics and gimmicks. It felt really satisfying figuring out their weaknesses as well as timing your turns to heal yourself after devastating attacks. Gotta love the fact that the combo moves are indeed literally combined moves, like how Frog's Slurp and Ayla's kiss becomes Slurp Kiss. Also can't forget that water is so good that they made water 2, that's crazy..

I love all the characters, especially Frog and Ayla for carrying me throughout the game. Everyone else... please forgive me. They all had their moments though and I teared up when I saw them in the animated cutscene during the credits. Just peak.

The soundtrack is phenomenal, every single piece is a banger and I definitely can not pick a favorite because there's just too many mighty fine tracks.

Very glad that I gave Chrono Trigger another shot after 4 years, I've always wanted to beat it ever since I started my little JRPG journey and now I have!

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. Thank you for everything.

It has Koromaru, therefore it's peak. I haven't played any other versions of Persona 3 so I'm glad I finally got to experience it after all these years.

Loved the story overall, especially the ending.. it was beautiful and left me very satisfied. Everything else was also on par, from the characters, to the voice acting, to the visuals, to the music, to the combat. It's consistently great throughout the entire game. It is also worth mentioning the UI because they most definitely cooked.

I had the most fun in Tartarus, grinding away, searching every corner for chests and fighting EVERY shadow I spot. I tried using all the characters and everyone felt strong which was really nice because I often tend to use the same party members in these types of games. I played 99% of the game with Direct Commands on because the one time I changed it to Act Freely, I didn't like it. Having controls over your party is just convenient, especially with the addition of Theurgy, which is basically your ultimate ability that you charge up over time and does crazy damage, heals your party or sometimes even buff them.

I will be running it back with another playthrough so I can get all of the achievements and I can't wait to go through Tartarus all over again with the SEES squad.


What a beautiful game from start to finish! It's been over a week since I finished it and it took me about 90 hours to do so. This is just one of those games where you'll just be staring at your screen for hours after you complete it because you simply can't process the absolute masterpiece you just played. I genuinely think it's that good which is why I put it in my top 5, not sure when I'll get that feeling again after beating a game but it won't be any time soon...

It's been years since my Yakuza: Like a Dragon playthrough but luckily my friend recently played it so I have a fresh memory of the combat from that game and all I can say is that Infinite Wealth takes it to a whole other level. Simply being able to move around in a circle literally changes everything because now you can easily go for back attacks, combo attacks with your party members, hit an enemy into more enemies for additional damage, proximity attacks if you're close enough and finally you can use the environment to your advantage to grab items to attack with. The new jobs are great, I didn't try them all at max potential but the ones I did felt really good.

Infinite Wealth's soundtrack is REALLY good however I do think I prefer Yakuza 7's OST just a little bit more. I also have to bring up the Karaoke track list because it is the best out of any Yakuza/Like a Dragon title. I mean, have you heard "Honolulu City Lights"? That's a certified banger right there.

I don't wanna talk too much about the story, this is something you just have to experience for yourself. Only thing I'll say is that this is without a doubt RGG's best work so make of it as you will.

It's raw, kino, peak fiction, swag, goated with the sauce and life will never be the same. The Yakuza/LAD series will ruin your life and that's why you should join us.

Tekken 8 slaps, it's just that simple. The story mode was awesome even though it was really short, love majority of the soundtrack as well. I've never been hooked to a fighting game before and out of all the ones I've tried, this is the one I've enjoyed the most. It offers a variety of tools to help you improve which is nice because the learning curve is so crazy but they really nailed it for beginners like me. I almost forgot to mention the customization but it is REALLY good, people out here making their characters look like Drake, Leon S. Kennedy, Luffy etc. LOL

Anyway I have to wrap up the review here since I must hit the lab and practice more. Tekken 8 has been an absolute blast so far, hopefully I'll stick with it!

I'm not really a puzzle guy but this was so fun that I ended up beating it in one sitting. The pacing was really good, felt like my brain was always expanding with each completion and the balance was just right in terms of the difficulty. Game looks fantastic visually with fluid animations but my favorite is actually the sound design, it was just so damn pleasing. Don't really have much else to say about this game..

I'll give this a clean 8/10, very much enjoyed this and would recommend!

Never played Star Ocean before, but this was cool as hell! I really enjoyed the gameplay loop, something about it was just so addictive and it kept me locked in. The game is visually stunning, I kept taking screenshots in every new area because it just looks so damn good. Weakest part is definitely the story, I mean it's okay but nothing to write home about. I feel like there should've been more interactions with your other party members than just through the PA's. However I really like the setting that this takes place in and the sheer scaling in certain events.

A solid JRPG. Glad I gave this one a try because it was a fun time from start to finish.

I thoroughly enjoyed this installment of Trails.
Fun gameplay, slightly improved from the first Cold Steel with updated mechanics, a larger roster of characters to play as and also COOL MECHA WITH TACHI RAHHHHHHHHH!!!! The incredible world building being expanded on, it's always nice seeing them mention the events of Crossbell since it's happening simultaneously with this Erebonia duology. Cast is solid, friends and foes alike. That DAMN soundtrack though... I love the battle theme and how it perfectly captures Rean's loneliness at the start of the game as he's separated from his fellow classmates. Then there's also this brilliant track Blue Destination that I just can not forget to mention and the list goes on..

Sucks that you have to play NG+ to access a certain scene, another down moment was the post-game if you can even call it that. THE GAME KEPT GOING LMAO. Not a huge deal though because I got to see my GOAT (you know who)..

It's a good follow-up from the first game, with some really high peaks and the final chapter as well as the epilogue had me in tears. I think I'm just too deep in and invested at this point since I've already started the next game before I even finished writing this review.

I have NEVER beaten a Mario game before but this was absolutely fantastic!

I loved it from start to finish, every level had its own charm and it doesn't stop there! Every time you pick up that wonder seed, the levels change, adding new layers of fun to them. Boss encounters were a bit disappointing because all of them besides Bowser were pretty much the same, feel like they could've switched it up a bit more.

Also being able to play online with other people from across the world was great, when you die you become a ghost and can tag other players so you get resurrected. This was really helpful for a beginner like me LOL

And I can't forget about the score because it's peak. I was vibing the whole time and I don't think there was a single track I did not enjoy.

Big vouch!

Short but sweet. I enjoyed it thoroughly and it was a ton of fun swinging around NY doing all the side quests. The combat was a step up compared to the previous games, really liked the addition of parrying and while it did make you feel powerful at times the gameplay kind of fell off for me towards the end. The repetitiveness made it not as exciting but overall it was very solid.

The main story was cool, favorite part was the Miles and Li storyline. I don't have much else to say here but I liked how the finale gave me the same feeling as when I go up against gods in JRPG's. Very impressed with the side stories too, some of them even hinting at villains for a sequel. Didn't think this game would hit me in the feels but man that Howard one...

There are so many sickass suits, it was always exciting to see which one I would unlock next and not to mention the awesome styles as well. Insomniac did a great job improving the movement in this game, never would've thought gliding could make such a huge difference.

The Platinum Trophy was easy to grab and I appreciate that, gotta love it when there's no BS trophies or having to do NG+ playthroughs.

I give it a solid 9/10, it's definitely in my top 5 for games that came out this year and also the best superhero video game yet. Can't wait to see what Insomniac is cooking up with Wolverine and potentially Spider-Man 3.

I wanted to love this game but unfortunately there are too many annoying things throughout the game that ultimately drags down the experience. While the environment and atmosphere is great, most of the levels are very frustrating to get through and it's just not fun. Not to mention there isn't a lot of variety in the mobs so it's piss easy to wipe them with the exception of some elites. These freaks can sometimes be harder than a boss encounter and for what reason? Since I mentioned the bosses, let's talk about them briefly. I think majority of them are great but there are some random difficulty spikes that didn't really make sense. It didn't feel like these encounters were there to help you get better at the game and its mechanics like they do in FromSoftware games, it does not have THE CLICK. There's not that many gimmicky bosses which was nice and the difficulty was just about right. Will say that there are a bit too many delayed attacks and that brings me to the next point.

I love the addition of parrying but it was something that I couldn't quite master because of the amount of frames however it felt satisfying those odd times you do manage to parry a full combo. The parry window WOULD be fine if it weren't for all these delayed attacks and the constant animation locks. Overall I think it's good and maybe it's something I'd master on NG+.

The Skill Tree is pretty bogus though let me tell ya.. like why on earth are some of these dodges locked behind it? I didn't even pick them up because I want to PARRY attacks not dodge them but it just feels so counterintuitive. I also think it would've helped if there were video previews in the game showing you exactly what some of these things do. I don't wanna put my skill points into something that I don't even know what it looks like and potentially have no use for.

The story is pretty cool, followed up with a solid soundtrack and a good cast of characters. I also liked the quests, they're pretty easy to follow since the game tells you where things are on the Stargazers.

Lies of P is a good Soulslike game that unfortunately falls short of being on that FromSoftware tier. However I think it's a game that people should try and play. It's challenging and enjoyable with a lot of bullshit moments but that in itself adds to the experience.

It's time to lie, today is the day.

I would type out a proper review but I'm just gonna shoutout Rusty instead because he's THAT guy.

Gen 4 but actually good, well done Drayano!