Put these foolish ambitions to rest.

fine ladies with 6 packs, do I need to say more?

truly the game of all time.

goated characters, peak OST, swag gameplay, raw graphics, kino writing. 5/5

i could stare at leon's arms forever bro

it took a while for me to finish this one because of its slow start but definitely a great prologue to the series. My favorite part about the game was definitely the characters (shoutout agoat) but I really liked the soundtrack, combat, worldbuilding etc as well. I'm so locked in now, can't wait to dive into the rest of the series!

I finished this over 2 weeks ago and I'm still not over it. crying. sobbing. tearing up.

this is peak gaming right here, what an incredible journey..


This game was phenomenal from start to finish and I loved everything about it. Such fun combat met with some of the best boss fights EVER and amazing visuals to back it up. The soundtrack is awesome, always playing the right track at the right moment and hearing Kenshi Yonezu at the end was peak I tell ya.

The ending hit so much harder after doing all the side quests, they take the character writing, storytelling and world building to the next level so definitely don't sleep on those because there are gems in there!

Absolutely kino, that is all.

Gen 4 but actually good, well done Drayano!

I would type out a proper review but I'm just gonna shoutout Rusty instead because he's THAT guy.

I wanted to love this game but unfortunately there are too many annoying things throughout the game that ultimately drags down the experience. While the environment and atmosphere is great, most of the levels are very frustrating to get through and it's just not fun. Not to mention there isn't a lot of variety in the mobs so it's piss easy to wipe them with the exception of some elites. These freaks can sometimes be harder than a boss encounter and for what reason? Since I mentioned the bosses, let's talk about them briefly. I think majority of them are great but there are some random difficulty spikes that didn't really make sense. It didn't feel like these encounters were there to help you get better at the game and its mechanics like they do in FromSoftware games, it does not have THE CLICK. There's not that many gimmicky bosses which was nice and the difficulty was just about right. Will say that there are a bit too many delayed attacks and that brings me to the next point.

I love the addition of parrying but it was something that I couldn't quite master because of the amount of frames however it felt satisfying those odd times you do manage to parry a full combo. The parry window WOULD be fine if it weren't for all these delayed attacks and the constant animation locks. Overall I think it's good and maybe it's something I'd master on NG+.

The Skill Tree is pretty bogus though let me tell ya.. like why on earth are some of these dodges locked behind it? I didn't even pick them up because I want to PARRY attacks not dodge them but it just feels so counterintuitive. I also think it would've helped if there were video previews in the game showing you exactly what some of these things do. I don't wanna put my skill points into something that I don't even know what it looks like and potentially have no use for.

The story is pretty cool, followed up with a solid soundtrack and a good cast of characters. I also liked the quests, they're pretty easy to follow since the game tells you where things are on the Stargazers.

Lies of P is a good Soulslike game that unfortunately falls short of being on that FromSoftware tier. However I think it's a game that people should try and play. It's challenging and enjoyable with a lot of bullshit moments but that in itself adds to the experience.

It's time to lie, today is the day.