not bad but i would rather die than return to a game with the grid map system

getting this after the mess that was city folk was sooo fucking delicious

she's cute but she's not Animal Crossing: New Leaf (2012) for the Nintendo 3DS

i remember playing this for so long just over and over for literally no reason and now i cannot remember a single damn thing about it

you have to buy maps to have any fun but the remakes are such a fucking blast

to this day i have not played a better pinball game

again, i'm a sucker for pinball

yeah its the first metroid game, but it also is a bitch to play. got about 75% through before realizing playing this is equivalent to c&b torture.

personally one of my favorites, but not that great of a metroid game. best samus suit though

an insanely fun game surprisingly, even if it diverges from the usual metroid format

quite possibly the best super nintendo game

better that dkcr for sure, but not by much